Wednesday, December 13, 2023

12 Days till Xmas

 …& here I sit, breathless & fatigued after Another Rough Night, marshaling my resources to get through my workday (TGFC - Thank God For Coffee!)

Somewhere in the back of my mind I remembered this, but the 12 days of Christmas start on Christmas Day and run through January 5:

12 Days of Xmas

I’ve made one short shopping run, getting pajamas for “the kids” (Z & V), but have not gotten out any of my decorations. I think the extent of my festivities will be setting up my Nativity set; I don’t feel like hauling the tree down from the attic. Besides, the only space for the Xmas tree is where my big dog bed sits, and who can disturb these preciouses??

I started to make up my own nonsensical Xmas song: “Only 12 Days till Xmas, my hypothalamus gave to me - a hot flash and general misery!” I came home after work last night freezing to death - baked myself in front of bathroom heater briefly, then bundled up in recliner. After about 2 hrs, a cataclysmic hot flash boiled up (unusual for me these days), and the rest of my night was spent in thermoregulation: throwing blankets off & on, tossing & turning to find that cool side of my pillow. It’s just as well P & I no longer share a bed, bcz I would’ve driven him crazy, even more so now that he’s fighting off some variety of winter cold. I will avert mine eyes from the mirror when I go shower off in a few - no doubt I’m a sight for sore eyes this morning!


  1. There are Christmas seasons like that! This year I seem to have it semi-together, and that's a good thing because family health stuff is swirling about. Tomorrow morning I'm the pre-dawn taxi service for my elder sister's cataract surgery, and her watcher for 24 hours. So I'd best get a wee nap in now so I'm awake during the needed time frame!

    I would not bother those cuties, either. Trees that get stored in boxes until the next Christmas can just stay put!

    (( hugs )) & hope it's good coffee

  2. No worries on the tree, perhaps find a small something to festivize your abode. I could be happy with just the lighted garland over my entertainment unit. I opted for a downsized tree-in-a-box when DH was ill. If I couldn't pick it up with one hand and get it up the pull-down attic stairs on my own, it wasn't coming home. I could even be lazy and leave it decorated. Once it's up, it does look kinda cute and has me feeling a bit less blah! Maybe it will help you, too! Hugs.

  3. I gave up on Christmas years ago. It became overwhelming for me and too much stress. Didn't have enough time nor money to get into it. This may be Benny and my last Christmas but we will spend it with my body still clinging to Covid unless things change soon. Just like 2019 I get Covid and can't get rid of it. Total Bummer.

    You sound like Benny who goes from freezing to death to sweating, back and forth, back and forth. He is going to be off the Xtandi soon and starting chemo so maybe that will help that one problem while creating others.

    The memes are great. The last meme is totally me. The mind is willing but overwhelmed, the body is crumbling. Overwhelmed is my middle name.
