Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Three Strikes & I’m Out

 For most of my life I’ve been mainly a diehard football fan (and by football I do mean American football & not soccer!), but as I’ve gotten older, I find that I have more appreciation for the sport of baseball - there is more to it than just waiting around for the next hit. My Texas Rangers have had an excellent season - off to a phenomenal start, but with recent injuries and problems in their bullpen they have hit a slump. I’m afraid their season will fizzle out once again.

However I may have hit the wall myself - my rides this weekend did not go well. Ms Annie remains spooky and reactive, dumped me twice on Saturday and once on Sunday. More irritating than the discomfort of eating dirt is the fact that she still runs off and won’t allow herself to be recaptured easily. Sunday she wandered so far afield, I was about ready to give up and trek back to our camp to come back with a truck and a bucket of feed but she finally stepped through her reins and let me sneak up on her. The weirdness Sunday was that she had stopped to urinate - which ordinarily no horse will do under saddle unless they’re calm and relaxed - but it was as if somebody came and goosed her in the butt? There were only three of us - myself, Carla and her husband JR - and I owe them big-time since they were probably as sick of this routine as I was! But the ranch was beautiful and I’m still glad I went, even though I’m still working the kinks out today - I went to a double yoga class yesterday which helped a lot.

Today I’m sending off a complete blood profile on Annie as well as updating her Coggins for travel, but if we can find no physical reasons for this behavior I’m afraid I’m gonna have to turn her back over to Sam and give up on this project. Sam is convinced that they had her tranquilized when they first went down to see her. Plenty of unscrupulous horse traders in this world!

                                    Somewhat weary & a little worse for wear at dinner Sat night


  1. Oh, dear! Not fun getting "dumped"... by human partners OR equines! Consolation might be found in a great set of photos.

  2. I think soccer is interesting to watch briefly and it is more common for schools in my area now but it certainly is not football as we know it. I was a cheerleader in grade school and active in sports. Illinois is the only state to require physical education and they take it seriously so I was really active in things like like softball, track and field, gymnastics, volleyball, archery, swim team, dancing, bicycling, water-skiing, basketball, repelling, canoeing, roller skating, etc. I took weight lifting in college, the first female at our local college. Also took table tennis in college. So I tend to see sports now as "been there, done that" and have moved on. I will occasionally watch a little NBA which is about the only sport I will watch that I participated in myself other than water skiing, bowling, and scuba diving. I am a little more interested in watching sports I never did like tennis, golf, Nascar, figure skating, Grand Prix but even they lose my interest rather quickly. I tend to find unique sports most interesting like watching taekwondo, fencing, rowing, parkour, skateboarding, surfing. Benny is not interested in sports at all so I don't get much opportunity to watch.

    Annie sounds dangerous. A handful! what a shame that she is so unpredictable. Loved the pictures though.
