In other words (to quote the immortal Styx, “Nothing Ever Goes As Planned”) - it was a strange, confusing weekend my friends! (Val is loathe to disrupt any long-standing routine)
A.) Thanksgiving itself is forever changed after Covid disruption and my aunt’s death (she hosted our big combo family reunion + Thanksgiving celebration for over 40 years); my cousin who has hosted for these past 3 yrs prefers the weekend before Thanksgiving - her house, her rules of course.
B.) Torrential rains disrupted any riding plans - ‘nuff said.
C.) We were invited to Victoria’s grandparents’ home on Turkey Day - I staggered home after work Wednesday evening to bake 2 pies and generate another pan of my Famous Cornbread Dressing (the secret: toasted pecans and lotsa butter!). Z had called to include his grandma in this event, but she had already begun complaining Wed night that she was exhausted and didn’t want to go… My dad’s old tennis buddy had stopped by to visit and overstayed his welcome. (I don’t know exactly how long this was, but I spoke to mom around 5:45 PM, Roberto had already left so it wasn’t TOO dreadfully late?) And when Thursday was cold and rainy, I knew we’d never get her out. I think dinner itself went well, even though P was a little overwhelmed by the crowd of unfamiliar people (in some regards he’s even more of an introvert than me)
D.) It felt weird to get up Friday morning WITHOUT work (I gave my staff a long weekend off), but Peran and I went to the Korean spa which was a pleasant change of pace. Rain continued off and on through Saturday, which I devoted to playing overseer as Z took care of long-overdue cleaning and maintenance of his snake collection. I had been having literal nightmares about having to show up with animal welfare authorities and treat Zach like the hoarder he was behaving as - I cannot tolerate animal neglect.
E.) Remodeling work continues on the Irving house - Zach plans to move in over the Christmas holidays next month. “Shoulda-coulda-woulda” second guessing continues - I shouldn’t have financed this endeavor but here we are; that ol’ umbilical cord proves to be a gnarly thing to disconnect.
My task was to socialize some of these wild creatures who haven’t been handled nearly enoughDon’t take my picture Mom - showing off Z’s house to future in-laws
A young man & his python ❤️💕
New bed for Clarice, still struggling on!