Sunday, May 12, 2024

Window of Opportunity

 It’s been a whirlwind of a week, with getting my truck out of the shop Monday night, rescuing Aphrodite, and watching the weather forecast as a brief window of opportunity opened for me to be able to slip away to the ride yesterday in nearby Cleburne…

Kim had to reroute trails since the ranch was absolutely waterlogged, but our weather was beautiful yesterday; clouds closed in again last night and this morning it’s gray and drizzly again. So I’ll throw up a few pictures before I have to get on with my Mother’s Day duties which include showering my mom, probably taking her out for some Tex-Mex for lunch, and hopefully having dinner with Z & V tonight. My big plans of renting a minivan to caravan up to Z’s graduation were torpedoed since Andy won’t ride in a “Nazi car” (a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter van). Some people take political correctness a little too far - everything is owned by multinational corporations these days! but it’s not worth arguing about. We’ll just have to make a big carbon footprint with Peran & I driving our own vehicle, Zach & Victoria taking her grandparents, and her dad driving his own car too. I’d better pack my new rain jacket because tomorrow looks like a 50/50 chance of more rain - today is 100%.

I want to show these colorful tights to Joseph and tease him about getting better riding britches

My friend Jonni got a better sunrise picture than me - the 50-milers went out half an hour earlier
Making the final turn through the pasture gate to head back into camp - good job Silas! A very pleasant ride, once we got his initial shenanigans out of the way: he could see the other riders heading out and threw a minor fit when I first mounted up - I couldn’t believe this was my placid Silas!?!


  1. Our extended weather forecast is like yours. Rain and more rain.
    Storms and more storms. Rain I can handle. I'm sick of almost having my "everything" blown off.

    And the cicadas have arrived. The wildlife are thrilled. They supposedly are related to shrimp, lobster, crawfish so we, who usually see sometimes up to 20 raccoons on a good night, are down to one and she is not really interested much in eating. She comes to bathe in the water trough. I get it and am obsessed with my twice daily baths too. But we offered some cooked freezer burned steak and they prefered to eat bugs. So much for my culinary skills.

    Loved the memes. Especially Granny. LOL.

    That can't be a man wearing those colorful leggings!? He can get away with that in Texas? He would be beaten to a pulp here 5 minutes after he left the house. I showed them to hubby and he said "what is up with the goofy, weird, little, women's pants?" And my hubby is fairly evolved for this area. Not fashion forward but not homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic, etc.

    Your Mother's Day plans sounded great. Mine were as usual - nothing.

    Last time I looked the "Nazis" and us were buddies. I live in a bed of prejudice of all kinds. Should have moved to somewhere more cultured when I was younger. Rural America has a lot of problems.

    And that is so cute about Silas wanting to be part of the pack!! Love it!

  2. Yep that “man in tights” is one of our top regional riders, Gayle!
    It was a Banner Day when Ex finally joined the crowd & bought his first pair of riding tights, but his were basic black!!

    1. Hubby has not evolved enough to wear many colors. Just black, blue, gray, sometimes a small amounted of muted green, and a little muted red, both in a plaid type hooded work jacket. No brown, tan, pink, purple, orange, yellow, white. Rural men here seem to have a certain "uniform". Jeans, t-shirts, sweatshirts, chambray shirts, flannel shirts, Carhartt, insulated jackets with hoods, insulated overalls and coveralls, boots, camo, tennis shoes, knitted hats in winter, heavy duty gloves, baseball hats, black/gray or white socks, long underwear, no fancy underwear - just briefs, boxers, or boxer briefs. No County Chic in my area. Rarely see a man wearing a cowboy hat or straw hat. It's like rural men here are in some kind of club. LOL.
