Monday, May 20, 2024


 I was buzzing with a pleasant sense of accomplishment, since I got all my things to do checked off my list this weekend - except a horse ride! Just more proof that you can’t have it all…

Friday night: dinner with mijo, had to deliver Mila’s dinner (I store her bunnies in my big chest freezer), looped back home to complete one more task in the form of a house call for a neighbor.

Saturday: coaxed Mom into a shower at long last (ugh! Cannot dwell on that, it had been a month), rescued my friend whose Jeep was out of order to take her to run a couple of errands, buzzed into town to meet Zach at the aquarium expo (a slightly belated graduation gift was a desktop aquarium for him), dropped back down into Red Oak to show up at a friend’s pool party where I shouldn’t have indulged in that margarita! Between that and the party food, it gave me indigestion and a poor night’s sleep.

Sunday: drag-assed around Sunday morning, recuperating - but made it over for lunch with mom, got her laundry stored away (I’d also managed to get her bedsheets changed Saturday). I had hoped for a late lunch with mijo (we were scheduled to pick up his aquarium at the end of the expo Sunday afternoon), but obviously that was expecting too much - he had other plans. “A son’s a son till he takes a wife”, etc. Zach seems to have inserted himself into Victoria‘s family which is perfectly understandable. So I dawdled around Las Colinas - dropped off Z’s blue heron print for framing (it’s gorgeous if I do say so myself, another graduation gift), browsed the used bookstore, bought some minnows for Aphrodite at the pet store! (“What are you feeding?” - “You wouldn’t believe me if I told ya!”) Then buzzed back over to the expo at Market Hall to pick up Z’s aquarium.

Now I’ve got to get moving for another busy work week - I have a potential buyer that’s trying to low ball  me on the mobile unit - that reminds me to fire off another email. I’m not gonna give it away although it’s possible I may have been taken advantage myself of by a slick operator when I bought it? Live & learn,  I guess; I realize it would’ve cost us something in “rent”, so to speak to work out of any space.


  1. LOL, love the final meme about two different hobbies... so true about so many things: owning a boat and actually sailing... for example.

    I also love the one above it... bit by bit, as we age, we claim our own self-care and space! And we become the woman we are meant to be!

    May you and Aphrodite have a good week. Hope she enjoys the minnows, and that Zach enjoys his new aquarium. I really resonated on the "son is a son 'til he takes him a wife" as the same thing has happened as my son is assimilated into his wife's family. I am lucky in that they are generous people who also think to include me, but they are definitely the driving force!

    Hugs & good times ahead!
    - Barb (OKM)

    1. Yes, I am also fortunate in that Victoria's family has been extremely welcoming to me - things just involve so much DRIVING these days since they're all the way across town nowadays!

    2. We see so few bunnies here any more in the wild. They have the fancy ones here in Farm stores for sale. Benny's parents tried raising them as a business and gave up.

      It's so disgusting about your mom. It would totally flip me out. I once had to force my drunk mom into the shower and she went thankfully or I might have been serving a life sentence in the

      A pool party sounds nice and I love aquariums.

      Loved the memes!

      You and Barb are fortunate that your sons still make time for you. Our son doesn't even know his father has terminal metastatic cancer.
