Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 …is no kinda pit to wallow in, I tell ya! I can hardly believe we’re 3/4’s of the way through MAY, we are creeping up on 5/25 - the date of my first-marriage’s anniversary, which is ordinarily something I pay little attention to except in passing. In an alternate universe, H1 & I would be approaching our 39th anniversary!!??!! We picked that date because it was conveniently between college semesters - we could take a week off and drove out to Big Bend & the Guadalupe Mountains for hiking…

Zach himself just got a job offer from Quest Laboratories for an entry-level position - I know it’s not his dream job (he’d love to get aboard at Texas Instruments), but, as I told him, we’ve all gotta start somewhere! I’m not putting any pressure on him at this point because I do want him to have what he wants, but that may not be realistic at this point in time? The job market is pretty damn tight (as I gaze into the kitchen where my mute unemployed spouse ignores me as he drinks his own coffee & peruses social media) Victoria made an ironic FB post about “no longer being a sugar mama” which gave me a laugh, as they’re living rent-free in the house that I bought!

I’m going to drop a hint - if Zach does want to take a little trip before diving into his future career, now’s the time! Last year they took a little road trip to New Orleans for his birthday and there’s still plenty to be seen here in our great State of Texas. I still haven’t decided where I’m gonna go for my mini-Memorial Day weekend.

I just read a Facebook post from a colleague who is having to have a hysterectomy and is worried her practice is gonna die on the vine, since she is not blessed with great staff like I am… My girls fill in a lot of the chinks, I tell ya! I laughed when I went to retrieve this meme because the quote is attributed to multiple sources: Helen Keller, Wally Lamb, and several others - even Shakespeare!?!


  1. Ooh, I like that last one! I just passed the date when 43 years ago I married my son's father. I still care about the man, and I learned a lot from him about myself and the world (boy was I naive for my age)! But it was destroying me (with my own flaws) to try to live with him. Like the meme says, "a lesson". But don't ever say anything bad about our son... to either of us!

    Hope you find something "just right" for the Holiday!

  2. I'd be hitched 50 years this October if I stayed with the first Mr. OJ. Lucky for both of us, I found a lawyer after 2 years. I admit I wasn't the best of spouses; neither was he. It did find me the man who tolerates me, though, so I can't complain.

  3. Interesting comments from everyone about relationships. They are all so complex that each one is unique. There needs to be instructions on how to have one written by people who have had them successfully with chapters like. "Don't attempt to make a sick purse out of a sow's ear". "Don't even think about marriage until you are 25 minimum." "Don't assume that a control freak makes a good spouse". My ex and I would have been married 54 years this Fall. He had some sort of attachment to me that he somehow assumed would survive his needing to take an occasional marital break to sow some wild oats where he would then retrieve me and take up where HE left off. He misjudged my commitment to HIM. My dad was a serial adulterer and later my mom joined in the same sport. I got to witness the effects of this mess into junior high and could see my own marriage kind of following the same path so when my ex took one of his breaks I let him know after 3 weeks that I was over our entire mess. Done. Didn't stop him from seeking me out when he was drunker than a skunk when I was on a date 4 months later. Sobbing, crawling across the floor, begging me on his hands and knees to take him back. My date was so shocked at this pathetic display that he said he felt sorry for him. I, on the other hand, felt extreme rage at my ex and wanted to kill him for the public embarrassment where I seemed to be the heartless B unwilling to give the poor lovesick guy a second chance. What an A-hole. Had to dump the date as I could not trust someone who could be so easily swayed by theatrical hysterics. Ex had a history of stalking me in the past and he started it up again. Once a male co-worker gave me a ride home when I had car trouble and my ex called from outside my apartment to tell me how many minutes the man had been in my apartment - 15. Ex threatened to harm the co-worker and I promised to off the ex. The ex continued to call me after he remarried a beautiful young woman and had 3 kids with her. I was with Benny and had Ian. Like I said, what an A-hole.

    So cool about Zach!! Awesome!! Maybe he can connect his mama with some cheap labs!! I hope he takes it!! I personally love Quest. And this sounds great for Victoria and you! As I have gotten older I have learned to love men who work, even to excess. Now, what to do with your own coffee slurping, social media perusing, "sugar sucking baby".
