Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 The “History & Icons” channel runs Star Trek episodes 6 nights a week, in production order. I was very pleased that Sunday night it reached the end of the cycle: the last episode of the third season “Turnabout Intruder”, which is far from one of the best but I watch ‘em all anyway. I have developed an appreciation for William Shatner’s catty portrayal of Captain Kirk’s psyche supplanted by his vindictive ex, Janice Lester. The actress who portrayed Lester does an even finer job of “acting like a man”. Yes, it’s extremely dated & sexist but I appreciate it nonetheless - one short scene where Shatner is filing his fingernails is priceless! It also has that much-memed scene of Shatner falling back into the captain’s chair as the transference is weakening.

Nevertheless it was a relief to get back to prime Star Trek in Season One last night - it was also great for me to have a good holiday weekend where I got to ride TWICE, unprecedented!

Saturday’s ride was a bit disappointing - it was short and slow with our accommodations for Bobbie (age 75, riding her obese retired halter horse) and Heather riding her four-year old colt. Yesterday was better - we trekked the full length of AT&T trail, which is almost 14 miles out and back.  I rode Baraquinator, who’s been giving me sad eyes the last couple of times I have haltered Silas and taken him. I offered to bring Silas for Sam to ride but he respectfully declined - he said Thunder seems fine now (probable muscle cramp on Saturday) but he’s gonna give him a few more days off.

I didn’t get any pictures yesterday myself because - Baraquinator! But grabbed a couple of screenshots; Sharon always takes videos. Susie complained good-naturedly as she claimed to misunderstand me when I said it was “7 miles” - I said “7 miles OUT” (then of course you’ve got to reverse course & come back!)

                                     The big bridge over the mighty muddy Trinity


  1. I enjoy the old TV shows like Star Trek. Shatner was very charismatic. I'm a huge fan of the Andy Griffith Show and can quote much of it by heart.

    So nice when you get to ride twice in one weekend. Let's try to make that happen more often! So glad Baraq got to go!

  2. I stream Pluto TV and there are three Star Trek channels on it. One alternates between TOS and TNG, one steams Voyager, and the third one streams Deep Space Nine. Honestly, I put them on as "comfort go to sleep" things, and I don't worry about the order of the episodes.

    What a lovely treat to get to ride twice over the weekend. I am happy for Baraq. Can't resist those "sad eyes", in equines OR in canines.

