Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Round & Round

 The image of a roulette wheel came to mind last night as I tossed and turned… The wheel of chance spins each night when I wearily flop into bed - whether the ball slots into red (terrible quality sleep, never feels like I’m completely “out”) or black (napping intervals with urgent, stressful dreams), I’m guaranteed NOT to get a decent night’s rest, peeling myself off the mattress in a miasma of sweat, crusty eyes and stiff joints, spectacularly unprepared for my busy workdays.

My poor kitty Severus (how’d he get to be 9 yrs old?!?) has diabetes - somehow I “knew” even before I took him in for bloodwork yesterday with his glucose > 700, at least my diagnostic sense is still working fairly well! Thankfully he has responded well to his insulin, but Peran was completely uninterested in learning how to help - if it were a matter of giving a tablet, he’d give it the old college try - but I don’t think he can manage injections. It used to be the diagnosis of diabetes in a cat was almost a death sentence since they were so hard to regulate, but now with newer forms of insulin it ain’t so bad. Severus’ glucose was 264 yesterday afternoon, and improvement in his demeanor and activity levels was dramatic. (note to self: order him his own little glucometer for home use)

Now if I could just stop his brother Lucius from picking on him - he must have the smells of the clinic on him; Lucius keeps chasing him under the bed! 

Zach has consented to let me hire a moving crew Thursday to move the big furniture (One thing adding to my stress level is the thought of sclepping back-and-forth on the highway, doing it ourselves) and I am debating whether to keep my appointment at the diagnostic clinic for Clarice to have another scan. She’s doing really well but has decided she no longer likes my cooking - I hand-fed her little meatballs of canned food last night. I have to ration my energy wisely so I may have to concentrate on the big move Thursday and put Clarice off for a little longer - not that the scan is really necessary; it was more a show & tell for Dr R’s benefit. Will I change any hearts and minds? Probably not, so I shouldn’t waste the time, energy or the money!

Time to run some warm water over my head and make myself look presentable - recent photos are horrifying!


  1. Pick your battles, girl. Even the small furry ones. How thin can you stretch yourself?

    1. Too bad this "thinness" doesn't extend to my waistline! ;-)

  2. Prayers for wisdom in navigating all the challenges you face, dear Val! And for some restful sleep in the near future. Taking things off your plate to reduce the stress levels sounds like it may well help!

  3. I have never been what you call a sound sleeper but it has gotten worse over the years.

    Poor Severus. I look at pet videos and so want one but I don't have the time and money right now to devote to a pet. Not a good time for Lucius to be naughty.

    I am amazed at how well Clarice has done. She is one tough little girl.
