I’m doing my best to cultivate that “attitude of gratitude” but it’s challenging when I creak out of bed feeling like The Tin Woman - multiple joints stiff & achy, where’s my WD40?? By the time I pace the aisle of my barn, getting the ponies fed, it’s better but I’m grateful to settle in with my cup o’ coffee.
My FitBit logged me at 3.2 miles Saturday; while it didn’t feel as if I walked 5K at the time, today the ol’ bod is telling me differently! I didn’t have a chance to download my photos from the festival - Monday Monday! - but hopefully I’ll have that opportunity today. More gratitude on the front of having a full complement of staff members; Kristy reported further declines in her mom’s condition as I expect she’ll linger for weeks or months under hospice care** - I make no claims as to my diagnostic abilities with humans.
All systems “Go” as we should have Dr M back on board Wednesday; she also confirmed my ride dates in October, so I sent off my entries for next month’s beautiful Pole Canyon ride (10/4 & 5). But unfortunately my young friend Heather is letting her own anxieties get the better of her: I had offered her a ride to Pole Canyon but she doesn’t think Smidge is ready. I really have no business taking off work myself, making such a long haul for these short intro rides but what the hell, it’s carpe diem time!
** while my dear friend Rhonda lasted merely 6 wks after her lung cancer diagnosis, my “god-sister” Dana (my godparents’ only daughter, about the same age as Rhonda) lingered in a comatose state for over a month under hospice care. And I shake my head bitterly at the lost opportunities with my half-sister Linda: I feel as if I was robbed of my chance to have our relationship “out in the open” since I thought learning of her existence would’ve been too big a shock to my mother. Poor Linda’s been gone almost 20 months now, yet while I wouldn’t say my mom is “still going strong”, she is still alive if unwell. I know that sounds awful of me, but she seems to take no pleasure out of life anymore.
And pleasurable or not, I’ve got to get on with my work duties.
Losing those we know and love is always hard, no matter when it happens... even as we enter our sunset years. But looking at the contrast between the lives of individuals and the "fairness" or "unfairness" from our own point of view... makes little difference, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteHere's to carpe diem! Sending comforting thoughts your way.