Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Technical Difficulties

Suppressed Anger...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I got up around 7 bcz I was no longer sleeping, so what was the point of lying in bed? (I crashed last night a little after 11 PM, just couldn't endure any more of the senseless movie Hubs had plugged in!) Actually got a fairly-decent night's sleep, although as usual I was up @ 4 AM to empty my bladder, & have a few vague memories of hearing isolated episodes of snoring from Hubby...
I wanted to grab this tiny isolated slice of "Me Time" this AM, enjoying the (relative) peace & calm before even my Sunday is off to a roaring start. (As I type, I can hear the bird teasing the dog & Qubie my donkey has seen lights in the house so he's brayed a couple of times for his breakfast - so it's never COMPLETE peace n' quiet!)
I'm frustrated bcz once again, despite yesterday's PERFECT weather, Z sloughed off on riding w/me - I just didn't have the energy to force him. We went out to the Ft Worth Stock Show which gives me a mixture of fond & not-so-fond memories: I USED to take my Burro Boys for the Donkey & Mule show... We were never serious competitors but we still had a lot of fun. However, over the yrs the competition got bigger, dragged on longer & was no longer as enjoyable. I really wanted Z to be able to participate (they have lead-line activities for the youngest riders & really do encourage youth participation), yet it seemed most of the time the events were scheduled on my non-custody weekends... It was just no longer worth the investment of my limited free time & ever-decreasing, closely marshaled energy resources.

(I'd rather wear myself to a frazzle doing an endurance ride, thank you very much.)

I was looking for an old show photo of Qube & I w/his cart, but instead happened upon this photo of Z attempting to tame a wild pony on the moors - our summer '04 UK visit!

My MIL booked me a spot on this "Barn-to-Pub" hack - if she knew nothing else about me, she knew I was MISERABLE, having to go two weeks w/out riding! A very generous gift from her - I really didn't want her to spend that on me, but she insisted so I tried to accept graciously. (Of course there's nothing like riding your own horse, but a 2-hr plod on a rented cob was better than nuthin'!)

& addressing my anger issues - there's no point to this frustration; my busy life is what it is - I'm already obligated to church & sponsoring a freeze-branding session at my clinic this afternoon, w/rain threatening today there'll be no time to ride... & probably no gym visit either; I just have to deal w/it. Things don't always work out the way I've planned.

All or Nothing Thinking

Monday, January 31, 2011

...Is certainly my downfall; I have this dreadful habit of chucking all good intentions out the freakin' window when things don't go "MY" way...

I truly feel like a Sandwich Generation-person, since all of last weekend seemed to be devoted to son, parents, & Making Other People Happy. That should give me some warm fuzzy feelings instead of the treacherous resentment that now seeps into my soul... It seems to be a Long Damn Time until my next ride (end of Feb).

Maybe I expect too much of people - gotten deeply hooked on the convenience/immediacy of email communication; it mildly pisses me off when so-called friends don't reply. Guess I need to lower those ol' expectations, eh?

Missed out on last weekend's Long Run (I SHOULD have done another 6-miler), so today I mashed things up w/a combo "Easy Long Run". Only had time for 4 mi, but that was better than crouching sulkily in my office. It's funny; I know some people say they have strong emotions stirred up by their runs. Generally that hasn't been the case for me, but today I could very easily have wept as I cranked up the speed a little (a whopping 4.8 MPH) for that last quarter-mile. Time is flying by; I'm going to have to act as Enforcer if my boy doesn't put in at least a bare-minimum base of training for our half - no one knows better than ME how you can slough off yet still manage to struggle through! But I would like it to be an ENJOYABLE experience for him rather than a death march...

There's so much I WANT to do w/my boy, yet precious little time. I've tried not to let my weight interfere w/active pursuits w/him (there are some hideous rock-climbing pictures from the '08 Alaskan cruise we took w/my parents; I ought to post THOSE for motivation!) - & as always, the damnable visitation schedule disqualifies us from a LOT. I'm hazily plotting out a nice trip for us over Spring Break since it's "MY" year; of course that has to include a ride, but hopefully also a trip back to the coast so my old friend J can meet my boy.

Snow Days...

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

...Doesn't take much to shut down bidness here in N Texas! (most of us don't have a CLUE how to drive on ice)
I'm still decompressing from yesterday's stress: despite the winter storm bearing down upon us, Ex insisted on picking Z for regularly-scheduled Mon night visitation. (let me try to give you a compressed history, dear SparkFriends, which will help explain why I've had such a hard time "moving on" after my divorce almost 12 yrs ago...)

Most middle-aged men lose their heads (ahem, both of 'em!) to younger women & abandon their families; mine took a different route instead, taking up w/a woman 10 yrs older than himself (making her 14 yrs older than Yours Truly). While I can't claim we were BFF, we WERE social acquaintances & riding buddies which made their actions even more treacherous - ANYWAY!

Obviously they are still together - S, however, never formally divorced her husband, & he was killed in his private plane 18 mos ago (under suspicious circumstances IMO; I spoke my piece to the NTSB investigator & in the end it was written off as "pilot error")

Mon night our mini-ice storm hit; school was canceled. I crept into work Tues AM & called M shortly after 10 AM to set up a mtg place so I could pick Z up...
"I'm not getting out in this weather!" was his exact quote, so I said Fine, I'll come get him... (This from the man who spent his teenage yrs in CO)
I don't know if M thought I would chicken out or give up??? but to make a long story shorter, it took me a little over 2 hrs. I called again from Forney & tried one more time to see if he would meet me @ the Tractor Supply in Terrell - No! - so I said Open your gate, I'll be there in about an hr.
I pull into the Circle J, get out to clear my windshield & start kicking some of the ice balls off the Kia (handles very well in the ice BTW) - S comes out on the porch & starts hollering at me: "He'll be out in a minute! He'll be out in a minute!"
I got tired of hearing this refrain - I was bundled up & the cold wasn't bothering me, but I hollered back: "There's nothing wrong w/my hearing!" but apparently there was w/S's bcz SHE KEPT HOLLERING AT ME. Finally I grabbed Z's big winter coat & marched over to the porch - can you believe b!tch stood in my way & snapped: "YOU'RE NOT WELCOME IN THIS HOUSE!"
M opened the door to call off his b!tch & said, "It's OK, S - Val, come on in!"
She backed up all the way in front of me - it wasn't like I was planning to come in for coffee & shoot the sh!t, I just wanted Z to put on his coat before he walked out in those 50 MPH winds. M said that Z was getting dressed - apparently he didn't tell him UNTIL I ACTUALLY GOT THERE.
Again, I guess he thought I wouldn't do it?!?
But at least seeing The B!tch that up-close & personal made me feel REALLY YOUNG, HEALTHY, & VIGOROUS! I have avoided being w/in 10 ft of her these past few yrs, & let's just say she's NOT aging well. I was getting a really bad vibe in that trailer house (I really wanted to make a comment about how the mighty have fallen, but seriously, seemed like B!tch was getting ready to completely snap!) - I don't know if it's bcz M hasn't married her yet or what?

But Z was incredibly happy to be "rescued" & has taken to calling me The Best Mommy in the World - I need to record this for our next disagreement ;-)
It took us almost 2 hrs to get home - although highways had clear lanes by the afternoon, traveling wasn't bad. Only had 1 minor instance of an 18-wheeler almost running up my a$$ on I-20.

Today we enjoyed our "snow morning", then cruised on into town to go to the gym & work for a few hrs (roads mostly clear w/only patchy ice)...

Hopefully things back to near-normalcy (whatever that means ;-) tomorrow.

Any Wonder I'm Stressed?

Friday, February 04, 2011

Ya know what? I got nuthin' today, SparkFriends...

So I'm just posting Ex & my latest email exchange this fine wintry morning... Last night he called multiple times to demand being able to pick up Z @ 8 AM "since school has been canceled, we revert to holiday schedule..." I quit answering the phone bcz I figured fair's fair - after all, I didn't pick Z up until almost 3 PM on TUES, that means M should pick Z up FROM MY HOUSE @ 3 PM today! Why should I drive anywhere to meet him for his convenience?

Of course, this was all rendered a moot point by last night's snowfall; we got 5" here & our road is completely impassable - I DID try! (My associate made in over to the clinic w/her 4WD) But then I log onto this computer & find this sh!tty email which I immediately replied to:


??????????????? What on earth is the matter w/you????????????????????


School has been closed all week, we got 5" of snow last night, Sugar Ridge Rd is completely impassable. I couldn't get up the first hill past our driveway.

Zach needs to attend his Mon afternoon karate sessions; he enjoys this routine. I will do everything in my power to allow him continued participation in these martial arts which he truly loves & excels at besides; I cannot believe you would even THINK of taking that away from him!

Why don't we take this up in session w/Otis or the mediator to see what an impartial 3rd party makes of this.

Yours truly,


Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2011 09:00:08 -0600

Subject: Getting back on track...


I'm disappointed that our attempts at working amicably on our Zach visitation have once again broken down. It is my opinion that you have violated our court ordered visitation agreement on two counts. First, by refusing to allow me access to Zach by phone when I tried to reach him last night. Second, by refusing to allow me access to Zach at the stipulated time for my scheduled weekend visit.

And so I think we should do as we have successfully done in the past when we encountered difficulty with our visitation and return to managing according to the exact details spelled out in our court ordered agreement. I had hoped that allowing you and your parents to spend additional time with Zach each Monday afternoon and evening would build some goodwill between but it doesn't seem to have. Beginning this Monday, 7 February 2011, I will be picking up Zach directly from school when it dismisses each Monday afternoon. Please let your parents know of this change so that there is no confusion on their part.

I am hopeful that this will make things simpler for both of us as we will once again be simply abiding by the exact terms of the agreement that we worked so hard to put together.

Please let me know when you intend to give me access to Zach for my scheduled weekend visitation.



SOB called me about 10 AM (before I'd read this) & made some asinine comment about enjoying driving on snow more so than ice! & I wished him good luck... Let's hope he slides off in the ditch or gets flattened by an 18-wheeler en route, shall we? (certainly not after he gets my child in the car)

I wouldn't have gotten any sleep at all last night if I hadn't taken half a sleeping pill - I could visualize SOB parking himself at my gate first thing in the AM; too bad I don't have a back way outta here! This gives me flashbacks of all the crap that went down during our divorce - may have to "blog down memory lane" this weekend...

Now I'm off to enjoy my last slice of "snow day" time w/my boy. (It was REALLY funny watching the Chihuahuas try to navigate in the snow!)


I seem hell-bent on an "even" 10-lb regain as The Moment of Truth approaches (I've already made a public vow to reset my weight counter to its true value tomorrow, New Year's Day).
Oughta go back for "oil check" with therapist as to why these self-destructive impulses never fully vanish - I won't even give "real keto" a try, even with all the evidence gathering that it CAN in fact, reset your brain & solve your obesity problem.

Sleep Hygiene

Friday, January 28, 2011

Thanks to all my wonderful SparkFriends for their input about my sleep probs...

Bottom line, I'm just going to have to sit down w/Hubby & have one of **THOSE** serious talks - if I don't start getting a better night's sleep, we're going to have to have separate sleeping arrangements!
This morning I feel a little bit more well-rested, although I was up @ 1:45 AM thanks to bladder. Dozed fitfully for the rest of the night - it would be cruel, after all, to wake Hubby each time the sound of his snores penetrated my earplugs...

I already practice fairly stringent sleep hygiene: I've read all the helpful hints about going to bed/getting up at set times (w/the result that my husband thinks I'm INSANE to get up so early on the weekends), keeping the bedroom only for sex & sleeping (& I'm sure not as much of the former as Hubby would like but mea culpa; as I mentioned previously w/my combination of insomnia & menopause, my sex drive has gone missing), having a set nighttime routine, etc...
What seems to help most of all is if I can get in a few yoga stretches/poses - I don't even have to go thru a full asana (love my "Candlelight Yoga" DVD but rarely have the time to do the whole 50-min routine).

Most frustrating of all is trying to calm my racing, anxious thoughts - esp on a day like yesterday when practically NOTHING went as planned!

It was a perfect culmination/symbol of "My So-Called Day Off" yesterday when I stepped in a fresh puppy-turd last night... After cleaning up, I went & poured myself a big glass o' wine! Guess I should count myself lucky that it was my bare foot (eeeeew!) instead of my shoe, which I could have tracked halfway across the carpet before noticing?!? I didn't make it by the gym for my 1st session of "Speedwork", & once more my son bailed out on accompanying me to yoga class.

Better luck today I hope.
Member Comments About This Blog Post
Oh girlfriend I am so with ya on the sex, menopause, sleep thingy. Actually we started sleeping in seperate rooms like 6 years ago. I just couldnt sleep with the earth shattering snoring. He was pissed at first but tough dodo. My quality of life was going down the tubes. I NEED SLEEP! Plus now that this season of life is upon me I spend the night (1) throwing off the covers then (2) putting them back on. Repeat steps one and two for 8 hours! I laugh but only because you have to find humor in life or else. Truth be told it sucks!

Monday, December 30, 2019

Self-Destructive Impulses

...seem to fill my soul as I can barely button my blue jeans this AM. I seem determined to make it an even 10-lb regain for Auld Lang Syne!

Pushing It...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Feels like a supreme effort, just getting through this holiday week! Silly me, I had PRESUMED w/hubby & son gone, I would have PLENTY of time to finish up my Xmas shopping, even straighten up the house & finish putting up decorations...

(unfortunately, it stopped me dead in my tracks last week, when I got out my box of the kiddos' Xmas stockings - my biggest display is everyone's personalized stocking, hung on the upstairs railing - & there was my poor ol' Wynk's "Tevis & 3K" stocking right on top. I lost Wynk @ age 25 last Jan, a sudden & unexpected family tragedy)

It also didn't help a bit that the bird was following closely behind me, detaching stockings from their hangers as fast as I could hang 'em up! So obviously I must come up w/a bird-proof method of display... Mango, you are NOT getting a stocking this year! (Mango is our Goffin cockatoo; a new addition to the family this year. Initially I felt very sorry for her owner upon having to surrender her, but in the wake of all her destruction/noise, not so much anymore!)

That's not Mango, just a Googled image! Still haven't found that damn camera data cable...

Anyway, all hell has broken loose this week at work (so why am I typing a blog entry in the middle of the afternoon? thank GOD I had a couple of cancellations so I can catch my breath!) - once again, I barely had time to race out & grab a quick bite to eat, no time for the gym... I'll count this as a "taper" for tomorrow's Jingle Bell 5K.

I realized as I took a few deep breaths over lunchtime to de-stress, that I'm really tired of everyone making DEMANDS on me. In that case, I obviously selected the wrong career. All I can do is manage to keep things at a slow boil. No wonder I suffer from chronic fatigue these days!

But here come what I HOPE will be the final surge of afternoon appointments - back to work you slacker!

Easing Back In...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

...I really wanted to title this "Compulsion", bcz I HAVE felt an overwhelming urge to break for the gym these past few days - so then why did I waste time surfing around on my computer, leaving myself w/only a 30-min "special" today??!!??

Oh well, 25 min on the elliptical was good for a little stress relief. Hopefully I can knock out 5K tomorrow. Truly amazing how helpful it is to me, just to type a few words on this screen.

Hard to describe the sensation, it's like a low-speed crash as my body releases the tension that has built up when my boy is away for any length of time. My energy level crashes & all I want to do is crawl home & hibernate. Yet we are trying to cram as much "fun" as we can into our limited family time for this second week of Xmas break - w/a trip to Six Flags (Mon), a couple of movies ("True Grit" yesterday, "Tangled" w/my friend's younger children Sun afternoon), & yes! a ride this weekend...

(Wish my boy would show a little more enthusiasm for anything except curling up w/his OWN laptop - like mother, like son I guess!)

The Best Thing about Coming Back to Work...

Monday, January 03, 2011

...was at least being able to log onto work computer & create a new blog entry!

For some reason, home computer locks up every time I pull up this window, or try to leave comments on friends' blogs... (So sorry folks, don't take it personally!)

But I came across this terrific comment when I had a lil' free time earlier to surf around:

"...Like you, I feel that people have the right to choose how they live their lives, and these girls (and some boys, let's not leave them out) have made their choice. What does bother me is when someone makes a choice and then goes off and complains constantly about it. You have to make up your mind. Either you're going to make a choice and it will be the right choice for you, and you can be happy with it, or you're going to make a choice, realize it's not for you, and do something to freaking change it. Don't sit there and piss on me and tell me it's raining. I'm not gonna buy it. Sure, we all have made poor choices in our lives, but most of us realize they're poor choices and then go about finding a way to change it, or fix what we have done to make our world, and sometimes the world of those around us, better.

I think I would rather enjoy the big ol' crockpot of beef stew that is cooking, my cup of coffee (with creamer!) and the occasional cookie, rather than run around like a chicken with its head cut off worrying about calorie intake and excess adipose (which still makes me think of Dr. Who). If you don't want to enjoy it with me, then that's your choice, but please don't complain to me that you can't enjoy those things simply because of the calories. I will have to kick you repeatedly."

I weighed in this AM @ 213.5, a net gain of 1.8 lbs. I'll take it - in years past I have racked up 5 - 10 lb gains over the holidays as a matter of course. I'm not bothering to reset my ticker unless it hangs on past the end of this week. The only thing that saved me this year I'm sure, are the miles I pounded out on the TM...

Time to put up or shut up, baby.

Forever Young

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Well I still haven't cleaned out my car to find my camera data cable & post the poor-quality pix I took of myself last month at the gym, but I was actually pleasantly surprised by this FB photo taken at last weekend's ride - I look SO YOUNG!

(in a lot of recent photos, I look very tired, washed out, & exactly like the middle-aged mom that I am!)

I'm not looking at the camera, grinning like a fool down at my awards plaque & eek! helmet hair to the max!!! - actually I was proud of our overall achievement, since I had the pleasure of shepherding my son through his 1st 50-mi event last Saturday!

I'm still shaking my head in mild disbelief: I'd been dreaming of the day when Zach would ride his first 50-miler w/me, somehow it kept receding into the indistinct future after Z lacerated his spleen (May '08), his darling lil' mule Midge ruptured her suspensory (Mar '09), and I seemed increasingly unable to lure Z away from the siren songs of electronic entertainments (computer, XBox, PS3) & the martial arts...

But last weekend, I was by God GOING to our long-running TX ride, after vague plans to journey to AZ, combining a family visit w/a 3-d ride in Scottsdale fell through (don't ask)... I packed w/ill-concealed resentment, having pre-registered Z & I for 2 d of LD (25 mi) rides as he bemoaned his fate, being dragged away from his renewed devotion to WoW - more proof of the power of advertising; Z was heavily involved in WoW last spring & summer, but his interest had waned by fall so I canceled his account. Apparently when he was visiting his dad, Z saw the new ads for "Cataclysm" & came home begging for reinstatement...

[Yes I recognize that I could have refused, but in for a penny, in for a pound could be my motto - we already had invested a couple of hundred bucks in software last year; why not "begin again" for the mere pittance of $13.99/mon??]

Anyway, as I endured Z's litany of complaint (aren't I looking forward to his teenage years!?!) as we hauled to the ride Friday afternoon, I put forth this proposal to him: since we ARE, in fact, going to horse camp, like it or not (!!!), you can either ride 2 days of LD as planned, or ride a 1-d 50 w/me & we can go home early Sun morning. I couldn't believe he took the bait!

Our success last Saturday basically confirmed all my pet theories about overtraining (i.e. most endurance riders - all except ME of course, ha ha! - are guilty of it) - Champ has basically been a pasture ornament since his last competitive event, the Armadillo ride in October, and you would never have known he's been off work! As usual,he gave Zach a fabulous ride - since I was sponsoring 3 juniors (Z, Maddie, & her friend Chris), I spent most of the ride bringing up the rear, shouting at them to "Slow down!" - quit loping through that deep sand!

(**Hence the dirt ingestion)

Unfortunately Chris's mare developed a hitch in her get-a-long (HQ cramp) & had to withdraw after our 2nd loop, there again most likely due to too MUCH loping in aforementioned deep sand. I was very proud of the rest of my crew - Champ's successful completion allowed us to shake off all the snide remarks about "yaks", "water buffaloes", and "wooly mammoths" - esp since Sat night all I had to do was curry him out & his long hair enabled him to go unblanketed, unlike our shivering Arabs...

Now my '11 ride season takes its first tentative steps towards my ultimate goal (Tevis buckle, 7/16/11), even though our TX ride schedule appears embarrassingly sparse. Next goal => a 100-mi Mississippi ride at the end of Feb... At first I was distressed that both of my main training rides (this MS one & the MO ride over Easter weekend) conflict w/"Zach" weekends, but now I am filled w/faint hope that he might actually accompany me on my quest?

Hope springs eternal, indeed!

"Gather the crumbs of happiness
and they will make you a loaf of contentment."

The Hate-Loss Challenge

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Came across this as I aimlessly surfed some blogs (or NOT so aimlessly, hmmm Herr Docterr??) - the Hate-Loss Challenge:

"During the whole month of January, 2011, I am vowing to make a resolution to have pride in myself – no matter what size I am, each and every day. January will be the month that I set in motion a healthy habit to rid my vocabulary of words that aim to destroy my self-esteem. By the end of January I hope to have set a permanent pattern as I continue to feel better about my value, importance, and place in this world.

Rules: At least once a day I must attempt to use one or more of these words in my vocabulary about myself and mean it: strong, courageous, beautiful/handsome, better, unique, remarkable, confident, conditioned, fascinating, pleasing. I will say the words out loud. I will listen to how they sound as they are defining me!

Extra credit: mind-blowing, wicked-hot, awe-inspiring, sexy, sensational.

Off Limits: Words I will not use: failure, undeserving, incompetent, lazy, no-good, fat, unattractive, sloppy, defeated, unworthy.

One Final Thought: It’s OK to be angry. It’s OK to have off-days, but I won’t let those thoughts consume me. I will pick myself up, dust myself off and never, ever let my weight define me again."

All very cool concepts, although the positive self-talk will be a big stretch for me... I'm too accustomed to talking to myself like a muleskinner (i.e. GET MOVING, GET OFF your ass, DO SOMETHING YOU SLACKER!!!)

I also have a true philosophic argument w/continually & exhaustively defining myself as "sexy" - I paraphrase another comment from someone noticing in our hyped-up, oversexualized culture - how we are expected to always be rarin' to go, the odd exception in the entire mammalian kingdom which generally has a season & an appropriate time & place for such things... Ah well, I'll save the radical feminism for another lecture emoticon

I DO want to continue to practice "Being Nicer to Myself" in '11... Meanwhile I'm going to go back to admiring my awards plaque from last weekend's ride while waiting for ride photos (the photographer got a decent shot of B-boy & I as we trotted past in high gear; it's a shame my shirt is billowing out around me like a parachute but we were riding into the wind after all! I have managed to improve my posture & riding position, hopefully making things a little easier on both myself AND my horse!)

Detox Day...

Sunday, January 09, 2011

...was yesterday; I KNEW I shouldn't have indulged w/that 2nd margarita Friday night!
It left me while not exactly "hungover", nevertheless feeling bloated, tired & run-down yesterday without the motivation to do what I needed to get done... Here it's taken me all friggin' weekend just to get my few measly Xmas decorations put away!
Overall, this has been one of my most disorganized & ill-prepared holiday seasons ever. I sent out no cards & didn't even put out the Lenox nativity set which is my pride & joy... I'm not much into such fancy things, but I cherish each & every piece of that set, most of which I collected over the years as gifts from mom, grandma, & yes, even 1st husband!
(my 1st piece was the precious lil' white donkey - who loves ya, Qubie?!?)

That's not Qubie, that Zach riding our TWH filly Scarlett last fall - I was just LOOKING for a good recent photo of Qubie!

While this is our House Bunny Serenity - this just reminds me to take camera out & get some new pix of Qubie...

Zach & Midge at his 1st "real" 25 mi ride, May '06
Oh well, you folks are always telling me you want to see MORE PHOTOS!

All this does is remind me of the tremendous organizational challenge I face - hundreds of digital photos which I need to categorize & put in some sort of working order...

Duties & Obligations

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Aha! Found that 1st-wk-of-Nov entry about my "friend":


(Funny thing is, I had stomach upset on THAT day as well!) Just goes to show me, I need to track my digestive trigger foods a little better... What does it prove when I continue to abuse myself w/foods I know damn good & well are going to make me miserable?!?

Anyway, faced w/another minor challenge: last week I heard from an old undergrad college chum of mine**. She's about 20 yrs older than me, which would put her in her upper 60's now - one of those middle-aged women who completely changed her career path & LIFE when she went BACK to school... About the only thing she DIDN'T discard was her husband, for which I greatly admire her. (It was challenging; I would like to think I helped her work her way through several marital crises even though what the hell did I know? I was a snot-nosed 19 - 21 yr old! mostly I think I functioned as both a shoulder to cry on & a good drinking buddy ;-)

**Actually her husband called me; could it have been shame or mere stubbornness that would keep J from admitting the severity of her current condition?

A brief but all-too-typical history: J & I each achieved our undergrad degrees, I was accepted to vet school, had a whirlwind romance & married my 1st husband, went off to College Station & our formerly inseparable status as BFF's withered to the occasional phone call, letter or Xmas card... J accepted a teaching position & moved to the TX Gulf Coast.

The last time we actually saw each other face-to-face was in the winter of '92, when 1st Hub & I were building our house! We probably have not spoken by telephone since shortly after P & I married 8 yrs ago... (Horrible friend ain't I? but of course it takes two to tango as well as two to disengage don't it?)

This weekend I honestly had planned to accomplish great things in re-organization at home, but feel obligated to get on down there while J & I can still enjoy each other's company. (She's recovering from secondary complications after breast cancer surgery - & I've learned to pay attention to my intuition. This may be "now or never"; I won't have any more 3-d weekends coming up, & Spring Break may be too late.)

Tempo Run...

Friday, January 21, 2011

I was spooked** to see that heading as it cropped up in my Runner's World Smart Coach program... What tempo?

Waltz, cha-cha, foxtrot, dirge, funereal march???

**52 days to train, but of course I'm already lagging behind w/the program; haven't done any of the long runs suggested which is why 5 mi seemed so intimidating...

A 15:29 pace was suggested, w/a 1 mi warm-up & cool-down - aha, that only translates to 3 mi of "real" running... I can do this!

Actually cut myself down to 0.5 mi warm-up, since golly, a 15:29 pace is just a fast walk/very slow jog. (I usually switch my gait when I pass that 4.0 MPH mark) Once I warmed up, I set the TM @ 4.2; on most of my other (shorter) runs I generally pace out @ 4.4 - 4.6 MPH - yes, now you know how pathetically slow I truly am!

I was distracting myself as I usually do w/trash TV, but it was more of a mental obstacle than a physical one: once I got past those 1st 3 mi, I knew I was going to make it. I could start enjoying the sensation of my feet spooling past those rubberized treads on the Woodway TM as I concentrated on my breathing, my posture, & my form (stretch upwards - I'm bad about slumping! - lean forwards, increase my cadence).

Those 74:20 min went by quite rapidly. A pleasant meditative interlude; can't wait to do it again! (Sun, long run of 6 mi)

Last Sun, I rolled out while visiting my friend on the coast (good times all around, BTW) for an early-AM walk/jog down to the big pier (2 mi away) & back. Another good one although I was taking it easy on my creaky R knee - I should be incredibly thankful to be out & about; my poor friend (& former companion on many long hikes) can barely make it across her own living room without taking a break... Light drizzling rain, although a little moisture wasn't going to hurt me! I think we saw a grand total of maybe half an hour's sunshine all weekend, but after all I wasn't there to soak up the beach, but instead my friend's sorely-missed company.

Slow Down & Keep Going

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I have made no other momentous decisions lately (still need to process last weekend's pleasant reunion w/my old friend), but I HAVE decided to just "shut up & do it" insofar as following my SmartCoach program...
So this AM I buckled down to do my first "long run" = 6 mi
Rec pace was 17:29, so of course I had to push it a little - wound up averaging just over 4.1 MPH.
Too damn cold this AM, so I headed to a new gym (had to take my boy to the E side of town for his SAT - geez, I didn't get to take it until I was a sophomore in HS, but he qualified in 7th grade as part of the Duke talent search program - the only child in his class who did!) - a facility less than half the size of my usual gym... It only had 5 Cybex TM's, & 3 of those were out of order!
The place was filling up as I slogged along, so I took a potty break after 60 min (it's as high as the time would go anyway), thinking someone might be waiting for their turn to pound the deck...
However, no one had stepped on, so I wearily re-mounted & finished out my 6-mi trek in just under 88 min... There was some pain involved - my R knee tweaked alarmingly a few times around the 4-mi mark, but then subsided. I kept on telling myself that old Marine adage :

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I typed this title almost 4 hrs ago & with many interruptions later, it seems counter-intuitive!
(I've hardly been STAGNATING here in my office today)
I'm sick & tired of staying stuck in the almost exact same place from which I started 9 mos ago - whoa, insert profound quotes about gestation here, verdad?!?
Yet I seem incapable of making any true lifestyle adjustments, aside from my rescue strategy of much more regular exercise...
Hard to figure me out sometimes!
I want to let go of the obsession about something which seems to be out of my control (at least from a practical/logistical standard) - NO, I'm not going to log in every damn morsel of food I consume, nor do I plan on living the rest of my days on meager balanced rations, like someone's inbred halter horse!
(Maybe show dog is a better analogy; after all judges prefer most halter horses to be FAT!)
I know a large part of my rotten mood is the inadequate SLEEP I've been subsisting on for several mos now - quite honestly, since Hubby lost his job & has been at home! (He snores like a freight train so separate bedrooms may be in our future.)
Next-to-impossible for me to lecture him about taking care of his OWN health (he's put on a noticeable amount of weight w/the stress of his career path over this past year) when I am far from the shining example I would LIKE to be...
Pot, meet kettle!
In the meantime, I'll quit whining & at least get in a gym visit. Who am I to complain when my poor receptionist just stopped by, she was diagnosed w/advanced lung cancer a couple of wks ago. They are pursuing an aggressive treatment plan, but she has lost an alarming amount of weight; things don't look good in my humble clinical opinion.

Quote of the Day

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"No matter how hard you try, you cannot out train a sloppy diet."

Feels strange to take a Day of Rest today, but my R knee is creaking alarmingly, so I figure I better give it a day off...
Unfortunately this adds to my anxiety about the many inappropriate things which I have consumed this week. Can I blame it all on stress? when I can't hit the gym, my only means of self-soothing seems to be oral satisfaction (hey, you! get your mind out of the gutter; w/my recent menopausal symptoms I haven't had any dadgummed sex drive either)...
My godmother's middle son (age 55? I think) suffered a mild heart attack last weekend; he was in & out of the hosp w/emergency angiography/stent implantation before I even had a chance to break free & visit him! (Hosp Sun, released yesterday) Since they have lost their only daughter to lung cancer almost 2 yrs ago (age 57), I would hate for my godparents to suffer another loss.
Not to mention it's also an unpleasant reminder of my own mortality; a reminder to concentrate on what's important & try to do the things I want to while I still can!
(Thanks to LUV4CHOCOLATE for recent inspiration; maybe I **CAN** train for a marathon after all!)

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Maybe Baby

Don't know how far I'll get on this creaky lil' laptop o' mine - hell, it's taken me almost 15 minutes just to get logged into Blogger (fuck if I remember my password?)!
But I need to do SOMETHING on these long interminable evenings, might as well try to preserve any of these old blogs which might prove insightful/useful. A record that yes, I was here, I was alive, I did something...
(Had to give up on flagging laptop, but at least I can add a lil’ bit on the iPad)

Slow Progress...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Which hardly seems worthwhile to post: a loss of 0.10 lb. But hell, I'll take it, as I stare at another set of ride photos w/numb detachment...
It's a miracle your scrawny lil' pony can carry you anywhere at all, let alone for 50 miles! He's a true testament to the stamina & ENDURANCE of the Arabian breed.
This first ride of our '11 season was a charity event for a couple who have been involved in our sport for many years; the husband has developed an obscure neuromuscular degeneration which rendered him quadriplegic over the summer. He is making a difficult recovery, receiving immunoglobulin infusions & can now sit upright, stand & walk for short periods.
I rode my 1st 100-mi event w/him in '95; that sort of experience** forges a permanent bond! He asked me if I still had my mare & I had to tell him I had placed her in foster care; his mare Candy is enjoying her retirement at age 28.
**Mid-November in central Oklahoma; I have never been as cold before or since in my LIFE! We weighed in after the ride, & I was amazed to see I had piled on an additional 20 lbs just in clothing: 3 pairs of pants, multiple sweatshirts, heavy jacket, coveralls, 2 pairs of socks... It's a miracle I could ride, since I could barely walk, lumbering along like the Michelin Man!

But we probably raised close to $10K towards his medical expenses; just another reminder to be thankful for what I CAN accomplish - still being able to walk & talk & ride & think (albeit foggily) - as well as sobering truth that time is fleeting & I'd best set myself some new training goals while I still can...

I believe we had 117 riders (59 50-milers & 58 25-milers) which is excellent turnout - it's amazing how this sport has grown in popularity! When I first started competing in endurance 20 yrs ago, if we had 50 riders that was a Big Deal... 

I loved this so much...

Friday, December 17, 2010

...I just have to reprint it in its entirety:


"I am a jackass

Dear Tony ,

I read about your amazing weight loss on CNN today. I am a physician and I am trying to loose weight for a long time , unsuccessfully.
Can you give me any suggestions or advise for me to change my life

Thank you,

In Need

Dear In Need,

I usually do not answer questions like this. I am not good at this kind of thing. You would think I would be, but I am not.

In fact, I get a lot of emails just like this that I do not answer.Not to be rude, it just is not like me.

You are a physician. My job is very similar.

While you are helping people with medical advice, I write 1000 word apology letters to people because the chicken sandwich we serve tastes too “chickany”. While you are prescribing medicine to ill patients, I get to explain to a 19 year old that the term “ass nugget” can be quite offensive.

Yet, I lost 200 pounds. I did do something that is pretty out there.

This makes me a weight loss guru. There are a lot of weight loss gurus out there.

Every single one of us are donkeys.

We all look different. Some are grey, some are white. Some are more muscular than others. Some pull and push more than others. Yet, every time us donkeys talk, we say the same thing…..

“Eeeehhhhhh Haaaawwwwww”

Some donkeys wish they were horses. They dress like horses with pretty saddles. They are not horses, we are donkeys.

The advice you hear from one donkey is the same as the next, except for a few flashy words.

Ripped, tone, burn, inspire.

Some claim they have the secrets. They can lose weight quick. They have a miracle workout or pill.

I get it, maybe you saw something like “The best way to lose weight is….” or “The one secret to weight loss is……” And then, the answer stays the same.

“Eeeehhhhhh Haaaawwwwww”

I am not going to tell you anything different. If you read my CNN story, I summed it up in less than nine words how I lost the weight.

I understand though, you need some sort of inspiration. Some sort of advice. Some way to know that this can be done.

Today at the gym, I saw the same thing I have seen since high school on ESPN.

If Brett Favre is going to start this week against the Giants.

It irritated me. Who cares? The Vikings are not a playoff team, and Brett is 41 and not in the best health. Yet, what he has done is the “secret” or “key” or whatever you want to say to inspire you.

Brett cares if he starts. He could care less what you think. He wants to start the game.

He has started every single game since 1992. His father passed away during the streak. Family situations happened. He had a scandal. He has annoyed the nation with retiring every year.

Yet, he brought it every single Sunday. He was not on the bench. He came to play.

That is what weight loss is. It is not a part time job. It is not 80%. It is not sitting back and watching other’s tell you what you know.

It is bringing it every single day. If your plan is to eat 1800 calories a day, then eat 1800 calories a day…every single day! Not when you feel like it. Not when it is convenient for you. Not during a holiday free month.

If you plan to work out 5 days a week, then do it. Not when the weather is perfect. Not when there is no TV to watch.

Weight loss, healthy living, and life are all the same. You get what you put into it.

If you want an easy way, go ask another donkey. They will tell you in a cute way

“Eeeehhhhhh Haaaawwwwww”

But this jackass eats carrots and apples. I run around when my wife lets me out. I do not want to be a horse. I am happy being a jackass.

This jackass is also kind of cute, and a little muscular as well. At least that is what my wife says when she gives me an apple."


This fills me w/the desire to go home, hug & kiss MY lil' jackasses! Gotta find that camera data cable...

Monday, November 11, 2019

End of the Season Whimper

I count myself lucky that we had one more minor slice of good weather for last weekend's ride; even though it was freezing cold Friday night, thank goodness for my lil' dogs! As I made the decision while both riding & working that this would be my last endurance ride of my less-than-stellar 2018 season (all 160 miles of it). There's no point in me hauling off to FL to rack up 50 more miles that **MIGHT** put me in 6th place - I'd rather cede that to Gail, Lord knows he deserves it.
Scarlotta & I can regroup for next season, maybe plot out an attempted 50-miler.

I'll Take It!

Monday, November 01, 2010

When I finally had the courage to face my cruel work scales (for consistency's sake they're what I always weigh-in on), I am FINALLY just 0.1 lb below 214 lbs.

(Nor do I play mind games w/myself by presuming I can subtract 2 lbs for clothing, 1 lb for shoes - wait a minute, have I emptied my bladder? etc etc...)

As soon as I set my stuff down in my office, I walk onto the scales & record that weight... Certainly on many days, when I weigh-in on my gym's scales at lunchtime, I'm generally 3 - 4 lbs lighter - so probable True Body Weight is below 210. Whoopee, almost a true Middleweight again!

(In my endurance-riding competition, there are 4 weight divisions:
Featherweight: less than 160 lbs
Lightweight: 161 - 180 lbs
Middleweight: 181 - 210 lbs
Heavyweight: 211 lbs +
This consists of rider + tack, just like a jockey! - so I could conceivably continue to compete as a Heavyweight even as my weight sunk down into the 180's - although my own internal limit will be around 200)

Family members comment that I appear thinner - which I suppose must be improved muscle tone; I do my best to accept the compliment graciously while admitting that my actual weight remains virtually unchanged...

Again, I'll take what I can get - especially considering my boy & I were living it up over our Halloween weekend together. Back to my still-evolving routine this week, as we count down 24 days till the Trot!

Back Away from the Scales...

Friday, November 05, 2010

I realize I'm doing NOTHING but torturing myself, yet I am drawn time & time again to creep onto these scales, studying the outcome w/horrid fascination...

I guess I should be proud of myself for possessing one of the most efficient metabolisms in the Western world ;-)!

Seriously, though, I do think the hypnosis CD is helping; at several stressful junctures over this past week** which ordinarily would have me distracting myself w/food, I have contented myself w/a nice cup o' tea, or a soak in the tub...

**What is the origin of that old saying: "Bad things come in three's"...
A.) Riding-buddy family lost their 17-yr old daughter in auto fatality this past weekend (I went to the funeral last Tues.)
B.) Vet school classmate similarly lost his young-adult son in traffic accident in the Panhandle.
C.) My cousin took out a 4-point buck the hard way when he hit him on the Indian Nation turnpike, sending his vehicle hurtling down the embankment, fracturing his pelvis & 1st lumbar vertebra... Obviously could have been much worse - there's no spinal cord damage, thank goodness, but currently he lies in misery in Parkland Hospital (they Care-flighted him down from OK after radiographs were taken) awaiting surgery. Gotta get by the hospital tonight to visit him... (Cousins are the closest I've got to siblings)

So I'll keep plugging along; working hard at the gym & taking care of 'bidness'; quit flogging myself about the small stuff!

Starting Over...

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Of course my SP journey feels like a perpetual "restart" (since I don't seem to be budging off this plateau UUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHH
HHHHHH! mini-primal scream here)
but actually I've referring to restarting my equitation education; got back together w/my dressage instructor yesterday after taking the long hot summer off...
Certainly was starting over, both for me & my horse - he seemed to remember NO-THING of the exercises we had practiced, and once more the dramatic weakness of my left side was made apparent! We did a bit more trotting than our previous lessons, so strangely enough today my L hip & entire abdominal wall is sore; guess I was doing SOMETHING right?!?

Here I am struggling through a turn last May; luckily our photographer (Maddie's mom) was NOT in attendance yesterday!

"The Critical Eye" - actually our instructor is wonderful; she doesn't nag or yell at all

Amira was much more of a natural at this; of course she wasn't stressing about the kids playing & screaming on the other side of that wooden fence!

A little more good news: after a solid week of misery, my cousin should have his spinal surgery tomorrow (GI tract shut down so last week's surgery was canceled; he's been having a miserable time of things w/nausea & a nasogastric tube. Finally had a BM Friday night so they rescheduled surgery for Monday... I told him this is a hell of a way to lose weight - he's been NPO all week! & the poor guy was too miserable to even crack a smile at my weak attempt at a joke...)


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

...is the strange little mind game I've been playing w/myself.

Because obviously OF COURSE it counts, if I eat french fries, candy, cookies or other junk foods; it doesn't matter HOW MANY miles I pound out on the gym treadmill afterwards!

An extra measure of shame & humiliation today: there was a new [fat] guy at my gym today. I nodded & smiled to make him feel welcome (big whoop; I'm sure you made his day), proceeded onto the TM to knock out a fast interval workout since I didn't have much time...
But I had to back off after only one 8.0 MPH interval; not only did I not want to subject the poor man to the spectacle of this flesh propelled into "Ultimate Jiggle" mode at that speed, my R knee is feeling creaky as my GI tract was trying to rebel (serves me right for previous dietary indiscretions, I suppose)...

Ugh! so I settled down to a steady slog, a flat 2.0 mi in 28 min on Cardio Level 4.

Maybe I've got a new gym buddy during my [usually lonely] lunchtime exploits?

Slight Progress...

Monday, November 15, 2010

It's hard to describe what a GOOD FEELING it is, to finally go out & accomplish what I had actually PLANNED last weekend, after a year w/so many setbacks...

Overall, it was an excellent finish to what would otherwise have been a very disappointing ride season (endurance riding season, for some reason runs from Dec to Nov instead of matching the calendar year). Sounds simple enough: Ride 50 mi on Sat, saddle up again & ride 25 mi on Sun. But in these past few months, I've failed time & time again to meet my training goals:

A.) Baraq's sore back in New Mexico; only completed 4 out of 6 days planned
B.) Baraq stiff & lame after Memorial Day ride = non-completion
C.) my OWN stiff back knocked me out of 100-mi ride last April after 72 mi

& a combination of other factors (tired ponies, exhausted self, tough trails, bad travel conditions or all of the above!) kept me from completing other lesser ride goals last spring...

However, things finally came together for the B-boy & I last weekend: a little rain tamped down those deep sandy trails (but then quit raining so it didn't turn into mud!), the storm front cooled things off & blew away the oppressive humidity, & we had a short pleasant haul of less than 2 hrs, giving ponies plenty of time to rest & stretch their legs before Sat's athletic endeavors...

Today I'm sore primarily on the entire "back half" of my body, all the way from the soles of my feet (many hrs standing in those stirrups) to the base of my skull; but the worst of it is my neck, shoulders, & upper back. Yesterday afternoon I was feeling it in my quads & knees too, with a marked gait asymmetry ;-)

(Good thing that RIDERS aren't graded for lameness!)

A nice hot shower yesterday evening, followed later by a warm bath did me a world of good - I daydream today about a lovely massage, but jumping back into the merry whirlwind of my day-to-day life

Changing focus...

Friday, November 19, 2010

I just changed the "mission statement" on my SparkPage - if you look carefully, it now says "neo-paleo" instead of vegetarian...

Try as I might, this ol' carcass needs her protein; something I don't seem to be able to satisfy w/only eggs & cheese. I've been noodling around in nutritional research for some time now, which started w/Tom Naughton's "Fathead" DVD:


This has led me down the Protein Power & eventually onto the Paleo path... w/the most recent purchase of Robb Wolf's Paleo Diet book:


So these days I am steering my nutritional ship on a unique course - hybridizing the "paleo lifestyle"** w/my vegetarian idealism! (I gave up eating beef 18 yrs ago over concerns about animal cruelty/factory farming & the overall safety of our food supply) yet I find myself supplementing my diet w/tortured-chicken meat all too frequently; I would not be morally opposed to eating meat if I could find consistent, humane, ethically-farmed sources...
**but don't worry; I'm not ready to give up soap & water, not to mention shampoo & deodorant! esp not w/the high-intensity interval training I'm been trying to implement means that probably ain't gonna happen until later in the week.

Pulled this off my web-surfing...

Friday, November 19, 2010

"We haven’t evolved all that far from our primate cousins. And for a species, having some genetic diversity in body shapes/fat retention is as advantageous as it is for other traits: it allows at least some individuals to survive/thrive if the environment abruptly changes. Which leads us to environment.
For most humans, their largest problem has been and is obtaining ENOUGH food. In times of temporary surplus, the ability to store energy as fat is a big survival advantage, especially for women... Few societies had enough of a permanent surplus that its disadvantages would eliminate many individuals with it from the gene pool, especially since obesity related problems tend to appear after the age of child-bearing. [sic]
We are getting fatter because the gene(s) has/have more opportunity to be expressed, i.e. food calories are now readily available in calorie-dense forms. And so we will eat to the point where we are at the weight our genes have programmed us to be.
What we will eat varies, but only those who are willing to accept being at least a little bit hungry all the time and maintaining a higher activity level will be able to keep their weight lower than what they are genetically predisposed to. And it requires constant vigilance because your body wants that weight back."

Frustration & Elation...

Monday, November 22, 2010

...in roughly equal proportions this weekend - when I couldn't blog from recalcitrant home computer this weekend, don't ask me why?
Downloading photos w/revamped system/new hard drive was a challenge too - didn't want to harass Hubby too much (he made it clear it was enough of a sacrifice, getting up early Sat morning to go hike the 3.1 mi event in my wake!) - not to mention I haven't invited him onto SP; probably not his cuppa tea anyway.

So, the elation => knocking out 3.1 mi at the "5K" event Sat morning in what was a blazin' time of 41:29 for me! (Hubby hiked it in about 12 min later). Didn't hang around for awards to see what the FASTEST times were, that would have been too discouraging. I knew the course felt short - a nice flat loop thru a beautiful park, down the road to the cemetery (hmmmm, a little hidden meaning there perhaps?), & back along the great hike n' bike trail...
Gotta take my boy back w/our bikes!
Princess drew accolades as "the smallest dog to ever compete in this event", & surprise that she ran the whole thing - yes, of course she did, she was towing me! I could have handed her leash to the front-runners & really watched her go...

Frustration comes from being stuck in the exact same place on my damned scale, but as I gradually tweak my diet, hopefully that will shift.

An Oldie but Goodie...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

...which I pulled off my other blog, written in '06! Tonight my brain is fried (no new material); I hosted 4 of Z's classmates so they could work on their Social Studies project this afternoon.
This puppy's TIRED.
Then after returning the crew to their respective families, we had to caravan across town to pick up our Turkey Trot race packets, woo hoo!
I can hardly wait - our first running event TOGETHER!

I've been mulling over a question posed by Scott re: why running?? which is a good one...
I could be flippant & reply that I'm actually an inveterate masochist cleverly disguised as your Friendly Neighborhood Veterinarian (woo-hoo! I'll post pix of my bondage equipment -- JUST KIDDING!) -- next thing ya know, I'll be submerged in perverts! Reminds me of a hilarious column by RMM many moons ago -- when he had to explain to airport security (this was pre-9/11) his suitcase of equine AI equipment: EQUINE artificial vagina, twitch, hobbles, & so forth...
But believe it or not, even though I'm slow as molasses, I honestly enjoy the sensation of pushing the ol' bod along the path -- & I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the low-grade endorphin rush which sets in about an hr postrun & keeps me on a natural high for a good solid 24 hrs. (That's why most runners like to "do it" EVERY DAY.) I can't say I've ever experienced the true "runner's high" -- yes, it looks like I'm struggling out there BECAUSE I AM!!! I laughed about my dizziness around Mile 9 of my 1st half-marathon, but I blame that 100% on hypoglycemia (this time I'm packing my OWN Power Gel!)

Trot On!

Friday, November 26, 2010

I had my doubts yesterday morning - w/gray clouds scudding in, & a little light rain as we were leaving our place...
The temperature was also dropping rapidly (aka Welcome to Texas - what we tell folks who complain about our amazingly changeable climatic conditions; after all, Tues afternoon we were sweating in 85 degree heat; & I went down to the barn early Thurs AM in a T-shirt) - by the time we reached downtown Big D, I was regretting NOT purchasing the sleek UnderArmour sweatpants** I admired at Sports Authority Tues night...
I knew we would warm up as we started Trotting, & as we maneuvered our way into the HUGE crowd (over 30,000 attended this event!), the cold didn't bother us at all.
I carried Princess for the first half-mile since she was intimidated by the massive crush of people, dogs, & baby strollers - yet it remained an exercise in broken-field running as we threaded our way through the crowds of walkers until we crossed the finish line in 44:20.
Several times I told my boy to go on ahead & wait for me at the flagpoles, but he wanted to stay w/Slow Mom... Soon enough he'll be leaving me in his dust.

**I told myself after 5 more lbs, I could have 'em - after all, $49 for sweatpants? I'm accustomed to buying the cheap ones at WalMart: you know, the ones that shrink up, that pill & fade, that don't last... Of course it would be my boy, w/his expensive tastes, who has sold me on the UnderArmour brand, w/their high-tech fabrics & persuasive advertising. But the proof is in the pudding, I suppose - since I feel COOL in my UA hoodie, but like a big fat schlump in my tacky WM sweats...

My Core is Sore...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

... as I have started BACK on my program of core-strengthening exercises.

I rolled out of bed yesterday w/a grimace, then realized what had done it to me: just a few selections from the book I found at B & N a few months ago (after my disastrous wash-out at the 100 mile event last April, when Baraq was still goin' strong @ 72 mi but MY back had locked up!)

This weekend is a "stay-cation"; there's a ride in S TX but I'm trying not to dwell on it as I catch a glimpse of brilliant blue skies out of the corner of my eye - clear cold weather after the rain clouds blew away, perfect for riding!

But there again, I had nothing at stake at the end of this ride season**, & my boy was begging to just stay HOME - a chance to vege out, play his XBox, hang out w/his friends... The house is strangely silent this AM, since he spent the night w/his BF.

**I am actually antsy for the final points & mileage to be tallied; there's a remote possibility that w/our surprise Top Ten finish 2 wks ago, Baraq may have actually elevated us into the Heavyweight standings! The one & only advantage of being greater than 210 lbs is that the competition thins out significantly - the "bulk" of our TX riders seem to be Middleweights (181 - 210), ar ar...

Of course there are scads of Lightweights (161 - 180) & Featherweights (less than 160) - one of the worst things for me to listen to - from a standpoint of truly being SYMPATHETIC - is hearing one of my Featherweight friends agonize over how they're going to make their weight requirement of 165 lbs for an FEI event... Yes, like jockeys, they will use weighted saddle pads, weighted vests or otherwise pile it on to make it a more level playing field.
There are even a few custom saddles, w/special chambers to which lead shot had be added.
Doesn't your heart bleed for 'em?!?

I've tried innumerable times to motivate myself by imagining how much faster Baraq could go if I peeled off as little as 20 lbs... but that is also a double-edged sword: the faster he travels, the potentially harder I could hit the ground when he unseats me! emoticon

A Matter of Perception...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Woke up earlier than I'd planned, so why not hit the keyboard? A series of bad dreams left me unwilling to try to go back to sleep...

The strange thing is, in these dreams I am always thin (relatively speaking); it's as if the fact of my slow steady weight gain over the years has not sunk into my subconscious.

Not the 30 lbs I've gained since my marriage to P, eight yrs ago.

Not the 40 lbs since my thyroidectomy over 20 yrs ago.

Certainly not the 60 lbs since 1st marriage at the ripe ol' age of 21 (25 yrs ago), & not even CONSIDERING the 75 lbs since high school!

That's why I set my goal to my modest Middleweight standing = 30 lbs. I can't realistically hope to lose much more body weight than that, not now that I'm pushing 50. Especially in light of my awesome progress in these past 7 mos on SP - NOT!

Oh well, I should be grateful that at least I haven't gained any MORE weight... I'll have to admit, it was a big letdown when I weighed in a couple of wks ago at the ride, to see that I've lost a net total of TWO LBS.

But now my donkeys are braying for breakfast, so I'd better go feed 'em. Today's a new day, after all.

Right Back Where I Started From...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

...but I tell ya what, I am beyond thrilled that w/only a single day of "clean living", I find myself back at 212.5!

I knew most of my weight gain (2 lbs) from Turkey Day had to be mostly sodium & water retention - yes, I indulged myself, but not that badly.

In my family, it's virtually EXPECTED that you will gorge yourself at my aunt's bounteous feast on Thanksgiving Day; luckily for me after my Trot, I honestly wasn't all that hungry! Of course I still fixed myself a plate w/little bits of everything, but it took me a long time to finish it. And I had to sample my aunt's perfect pecan pie...

The problem was quite frankly the REST of the weekend - I was regretful at missing out on my ride, so I soothed that anxiety w/snacks... No surprise about my weight gain; I'm just lucky it wasn't MORE.

So yesterday I skipped lunch, hit the gym, & drank 4 cups of green tea over the course of the day. I was peeing like a racehorse - & thankfully this morning I felt less bloated, so I took a chance & stepped back onto the scales.

An amazing feeling - one of the few times my body has cooperated w/my self-improvement efforts emoticon

It does great things for ye olde motivation: Middleweight status, here I come!

So Much for a Relaxing Weekend...

Saturday, December 04, 2010

...Of course I knew this particular one would be anything but, since it was the weekend of Z's State Karate Tournament championship down in Austin!

I made it unintentionally (but perhaps subconsciously?) harder on myself, since I had a delusion that we** might all come together for Z's sake, in a show of support for his hard work this year in tae kwon do...
**by "WE" I am referring to my parents & my husband who have a long-standing rift of almost 7 yrs' duration - let's just say "It's Complicated" on too many levels to go into a detailed explanation here; can we refer to irreconcilable cultural & religious differences? With the bottom line from my parents' perspective being that you don't even give a HINT of being (emotionally or psychologically) abusive towards their only grandson, can we leave it at that?
(& P would certainly be DEAD MEAT if there were any evidence of physical abuse - my dad would kill him presuming I hadn't done him in first ;-) !

I'm not so delusional to presume that Z's bio-dad would have troubled himself, although he DID call...

Anyway, I wasn't certain until just a few days ago that P was in fact coming down, & by then it was too late - the hotel was booked up; I had only reserved a single room!
Foolish me, to presume that we could all just suck it up & bunk together for a single night - there again, for Z's sake, pretty please?!?!?

My parents were furious w/me for trying to force such intimacy, but if I had told 'em P would be there, they wouldn't have come at all - so a minor deception was justified in my opinion, since it was very important to Z that they be there to watch the culmination of a hard season's work. Sue me, I guess!

So what wound up going down was that Mom & Dad drove all the way back home last night after Z's FIRST PLACE FINISH in his age division (12 - 17). I was more than a little stressed out, since I didn't think they should be attempting that 180-mi haul (I had driven a little over half of the trip down) at that time of night (they set out at almost 9 PM last night).

I'm going to file a complaint w/Crabtree & Evelyn, since I used half the sample bottle of their Relaxing Body Wash & it did NO good...

I slept fitfully last night, awakening a little after 7 AM w/the lovely hotel gym calling to me... I knocked out 5K on the TM & then had a relaxing dip in their beautiful salt-water pool.

Fabulous. Miraculous proof of the therapeutic value of exercise! emoticon

As soon as I unearth the data cable, I'll try to download some photos. I will title the one of Z's bruised R shoulder (where he repeatedly smacked his bo staff) "Dedication". Unfortunately my camera was MIA for the actual tournament, but another parent snapped a couple of photos for me...

Persistence v. Hormones

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Well at this stage I'll take whatever small progress I can get... which appears to be 0.8 lbs for 7 days of persistent workouts!

In the mad rush of getting out the door Monday morning, I failed to repack my gym bag, so that was an enforced day of rest. Felt strange to force myself to relax.

Now, of course the holiday season is upon us full-swing, w/my lovely clients bringing us treats. I have joked too many times that it's next-to-impossible to stay on any sort of diet around here. Yesterday we received a cheesecake, a smoked turkey, CC cookies, chocolate-covered macadamia nuts, & caramels...

We are either very well-loved, or being bribed! emoticon

I can also detect mild bloating & that craving for chocolate that accompanies my irregular cycles - at this point it ain't too bad. I am keeping my water bottle full, & just restocked w/Larabars. If I can get through this month just holding steady, I will be content.

A Great Article re: Intuitive Eating

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

...which proves that sometimes my compulsive Web-surfing turns up good information occasionally!


So then I followed Latoya back to her website...


And found further stores of great information:

"5 ways to help you create some weight prevention habits:

1) Decide or believe that it’s possible to maintain a stable weight. For years, I have read and heard others voice fears about how it’s more difficult not to put on pounds as we age. It’s almost like people are resigning themselves to the fate of weight gain. I am willing for my life to be a new experiment and a new experience. I have a fundamental belief that the body has natural and intelligent mechanisms for keeping weight stabilized. In fact, I read a scientific article showing that the body has the ability to recognize the amount of calories in food. So, as long as I am supporting those mechanisms by eating and moving for what my body needs, I feel confident in being able to experience my natural healthy body weight.

2) Accept that your body needs to move regularly. Kick “exercise” to the curb, if you don’t like it, and experiment with ways that your body loves to move: dance, walk, jump rope, toss a ball, play a sport, find a set of movement practices that you are eager to do consistently. For more on this, read my article: Intuitive Eating Your Way to a Movement Love Affair. (see above link)

3) Practice eating intuitively. Learn and honor your true biological hunger and fullness signals. Respond to your body when your stomach growls and discover the point where you are satisfied and make eating to the point of “stuffed” a habit of the past.

4) Feel the difference that whole nutrition makes. Even though candy bars can give me a spike of energy, I’m sure that, like me, you’ve experienced the crash after. Also, when I take the time to taste and savor high sugar, and therefore higher calorie processed foods, I naturally eat less of them. A fresh orange or crunchy apple can give me the same, if not more pleasure, than the taste of processed foods and my body has a better time too!
5) Learn to live your life without using food to cope with your emotions. Create your own self-care plan (i.e., your own emergency escape route) of more skillful alternatives to soothe yourself, when you want to reach for food to calm yourself after stress or a long day or to get you through boredom, anxiety, or anger."

Mirror, Mirror

Thursday, December 09, 2010

You might think I was completely unfamiliar w/these novel devices...

It's still a shock to my system when I see that unflattering photo, or catch a glimpse of myself in that full-length mirror. Not to mention I've conveniently misplaced my camera's data cable, so I can't download a confessional-style photo here! (nowhere near as brave as RUNNINGOLLIE, for instance)

But as part of my core training, I am perfecting my form in front of the impartial floor-to-ceiling mirrors at my gym (only when I have the place to myself)... Starting w/basic squats, overhead presses, a few floor exercises. I notice how my flesh has 'settled' around my hips & lower abdomen; guess I'm not as apple-shaped as I once thought! I need to take measurements, but the back fat layer under my sports bra seems to be shrinking.

I'll diligently search for that cable - the photos would be nice to have, as a record of my own persistence... A few years back, I was horrified by the bat wings which were evident on my upper arms in the typical "Yee-haw!" raised-arm posture on the Titan; I could rationalize a lot of that to wind resistance emoticon
but seriously, my arms seem to be toning up...

Home computer locks up every time I pull up this "Blog Entry" window, so I'm left w/sneaking time on work computer - may commandeer my son's laptop this weekend! www.ultimaterollercoaste

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Catching Up

This is getting REDUNCULOUS - I'm so far behind on this lil' project of "preserving old blogs from SP" it ain't even FUNNY!!!
A large part of the problem is, on the iPad I only seem to be able to do "1 at a time" & then I cannot edit any farther.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A couple of wks ago, on the recommendation of a cyber-friend I bought the Paul McKenna book "I Can Make You Thin"...

I've never been a True Believer in hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming or the like, but I am growing increasingly weary of the suffocating feeling of hopelessness that comes from being stuck on this damned plateau!

Of course, I should have known the 1st challenge would be finding TIME to "relax" & listen to the hypnotic CD; the book is same ol', same ol' reiteration of what we should all know by heart by now:

1. When you are hungry, eat.
2. Eat what you want (not what you think you "should".)
3. Eat consciously and enjoy every mouthful.
4. When you are full, stop.

As my son would say, "Duh!"
So I've had this marvel of modern literature in my possession for almost 3 wks & I've listened to the CD exactly TWICE, both times engaged in an activity strictly warned against - driving! (My son grew mildly panicked when I popped the CD in the car stereo on the way home, to ensure that it worked: "Mom, DON'T close your eyes! Listen to that when we get home!!")

But when we got home, my trusty old portable CD player is missing-in-action, & it seems a shame to throw good money after bad by buying another one...
Hopefully I will be able to overcome my shame & listen to it on home stereo w/hubby around.

Hello Again

Monday, October 25, 2010

I actually stared at the discoloration in the toilet bowl in the dawn's early light for a few seconds before it dawned on me...
Oh yeah, THAT'S what it is! My monthly visitor's here again, after an almost-4-month absence.
That explains the bloat, the recent food cravings (MUST...HAVE...CHOCOLATE!), the terrible grinding anxiety, the mood swings...
Of course it DOESN'T explain the past 6 mos of being perched on this High Plateau, despairing as to whether I'll ever see the edge.
I rode my Big Dummy yesterday (semi-retired due to navicular disease 3 yrs ago) bcz I needed some FUN in my weekend - as opposed to Constant Vigilance required when piloting Mr B.
He huffed & he puffed, & struggled valiantly to keep up w/Miss Amira, effortlessly loping ahead - oh, but what a joy he is to ride!
Eleven hundred pounds of pure muscle (oh well, these days that is overlain by a generous fat pad) - I'm not eloquent enough to describe the awesome sensation of POWER he provides, a complete contrast to the lithe athleticism of Mr B, my scrawny Arab!
I really don't know if the Paul McKenna self-hypnosis CD is helpful or harmful at this stage: I had the guy's mildly irritating voice stuck in my head as we rode:
"Your mind...carries on by itself...Visualize yourself a few weeks from now, slightly thinner..."
And an old photo of Quig & I swims into my memory: he is striding out in his big trot down an East TX dirt road looking like the great engine that he was, in his prime. I'm even in correct position/posture - a lot of my ride photos have the unflattering tendency to catch me unbalanced, eyes closed, slumped posture, that sort of thing. If only I had known how short our competitive career together would be... but of course Quig is far from dead, as long as I can keep him comfortable we should enjoy many more happy years together, just without those career mileage markers, minor recognitions & awards I had hoped for...
Oh well - Mommy still loves ya, Dum-Dum!
(I was not the family member who nicknamed Quig "The Big Dummy": he was originally slated to be my COUSIN'S, but the nickname stuck & now he thinks it's a term of endearment! A teenage girl got SO ANGRY at me, several years ago when she heard me call him "Dummy": "What's his REAL NAME?!?"
"Honey, he thinks 'Dummy' IS his real name!")

Breakfast FAIL

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I was so excited, trying the overnight-simmer n' soak method to prepare the steel cut oatmeal my boy talked me into buying...

(When I read the package, it described boiling for 30 min - on MY busy mornings? I don't think so! but there was a shortcut: boil water, simmer for 1 min, then refrigerate overnight & reheat in the AM...)

I was understandably a little apprehensive when I took the pan out this morning, but it worked BEAUTIFULLY! No sticking, no clumping, reheated to a nice texture as if I'd been stirring it over the stove all morning...

The downside is that I was RAVENOUS by 10 AM - obviously I am going to have to choose breakfast foods w/a lil' more sticking power!

[I just ate 3 oz of mixed nuts - WAY too salty! - but I had to do something since it's another half-hour till lunchtime here...]


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Well I've done it now! Got myself, my boy, & my dog all registered for the 5K Turkey Trot, to the tune of $66...

Yesterday was a difficult "day of rest" - my R heel has been tender so I decided to take the day off. Felt a little bit of guilt; it all ties in w/some of my recent readings:

"You MUST exercise if you want to lose weight they will scream with a disturbing amount of passion. But let me just say that their passion is borne not from any real scientific proof that exercise helps people lose weight, but from a sense of moral superiority that some thin people have when it comes to fat people. You see, if you are obese, then you must be lazy, and with that awful moral judgement held firmly against us, the skinnies march forth proclaiming we must be cured of our laziness if ever we are to become thin, which means we will once again be considered to be people of good moral character (no matter how much rubbish a thin person eats, or how little they exercise, they clearly are better people than fat people it seems). The medical profession is also culpable in their character assassination of obese people. The message is loud and clear – “Get off your fat lazy butt and you’ll lose weight”

This from:

Yet in my own case, exercise remains my anti-depressant of choice (you see here an aging jock w/dreams of glory still floating through her head) - so I'd better GET AFTER IT. My monthly visitor is slowly departing, so I can no longer use the excuse that my uterus feels like it's wringing itself out like a bloody dishrag.
    I think its awesome you signed your "boy" up for a race! Take some pics and share with us ok? Someday......I am gonna run a 5k race.....Someday!
    3235 days ago
    Wow - lots to comment on here. CONGRATS on registering you and the pooch for the turkey trot. I find racing keeps me disciplined about working out. Otherwise ... well, I'm an admitted bling 'ho, so whatever gets me to the gym, right? As for exercising and weight loss ... I get your point - and your irritation. I'm so sick of twiggy people who don't do any real activity lecturing me on my sloth and poor habits. My boss is in that class, and I know my weight affects his opinion of me. grrr. I do like exercising, though. It helps my mood, which I think helps me overall.

    Hang in there!
    3235 days ago
  • vKT-NICHOLS-13
    I too feel guilty when I don't workout.

    I sure wish it was this easy: “Get off your fat lazy butt and you’ll lose weight”
    Sadly it's not for me.

    Yeah for making the commitment to the 5K Turkey Trot!