Monday, December 16, 2024

Seasonal Affect

 I am struggling to get in the holiday spirit, you guys… Got extra nursing care lined up for my mom - so far, so good (fingers crossed, voodoo charms rattled, etc. etc.)

My one concession to home decoration was setting out my ol’ Lenox nativity set, these white porcelain pieces which I’ve collected over these past 32 yrs (H1 got me my first piece, which of course was the donkey, when we moved into this house). I actually haven’t added anything probably for 15 years - they discontinued the set & my last piece was the ox which I found on eBay. 

My cousin & his wife are going to try to capture their semi-feral dog and bring her to me to be spayed - of course she’s come into heat and formed an alliance with another stray so we want to prevent more unwanted puppies. I’ll post a link to Dee’s blog, but the truth she doesn’t reveal is that under any other circumstances, Joe would have shot this intruder for harassing his livestock - Sara is very lucky that Dee & Jim had come back home.

My little lap intruder is doing well: eating three times a day with normal bowel movements; I just can’t get her to gain any weight! It is what it is - I keep asking myself WWJHD: What Would James Herriot Do? While I would love radiographs to evaluate her liver/gallbladder, I probably won’t have that capability for another month. Oncor has installed our new power pole and transformer but the new electrical line has to be pulled and everything hooked up before I can reinstall my Xray machine… I am so tired of apologizing to clients - having to send them elsewhere for radiographs.

1 comment:

  1. ((( Big Hugs!!! ))) Love the nativity set, and of course any of us with special decorations that are our go-to in emotionally trying times can identify. I have only Frosty the Demented cookie jar out, myself, this year. Mainly due to Ember's exuberant presence in the house. Maybe next year.

    Hang in there! You are valued, Val! And maybe this is one of those "keeping Christmas" years, rather than going over the top with celebrating.
