I have joked around with my endurance friends about the competitive trail bunch trying to recruit me to their side - it’s like an adult game of Red Rover! Last spring when I judged their 7iL event, Julie B asked me about judging her Oklahoma event which is this weekend (in other words, a good solid 7 months ago). I heard nothing more until about a month ago: as I was finalizing my schedule, I reached out to confirm. Julie said she had secured another veterinarian to be the head judge, but asked me to come help out anyway, much as I have done at Alice’s spring rides: hauling in with my gear to be there in case of emergencies, helping out wherever they need me.
Part of me is relieved (it’s actually a hell of a lot of work to judge these rides, especially considering the minuscule compensation - last spring I don’t even think it covered the cost of my diesel), but part of me is offended, mostly by the fact that she didn’t tell me when she booked another veterinary judge. These arrangements are made months in advance, and if Julie had told me I probably would not have asked Dr. M to cover for me (that’s $850 right there). That’s a precious Friday I could’ve saved for my trail riders’ campout or another endurance event!
It’s really too late for me to back out now - Dr M is already booked; it wouldn’t be fair for me to jerk the rug out from under her! So I will go and I’m sure I’ll have a good time even though it looks like we’re gonna get long-awaited rain this weekend, hopefully that means it will dry up by the weekend of the eighth when I am supposed to meet my trail riders at nearby Lake Waco…
The state park where this OK ride will be held is also a site of historical significance to Yours Truly: we have had a long-standing endurance ride at this lake for many years, but I quit going 20 yrs ago since I ceded Oklahoma Territory to Ex & his slut (!!!). So part of this trip will be Auld Lange Syne for me as I recall several good rides Back in the Day...
Meanwhile, I pulled a couple of Victoria's Tulum photos off FB