Monday, September 9, 2019

Almost There

Bought the 46” girth for the new saddle since there wasn’t a hope in HELL of getting that 28” girth buckled around Miss Alex’s sizable circumference! I barely glanced at the receipt - so what’s another $50?!?
Cycled Saturday AM w/the crew - thank goodness I didn’t try the intermediate ride, I was struggling to keep up the 10 MPH pace with the beginners! Hopefully the new herbal blends will help my energy levels - but I know what would help more than anything, NOT STAYING UP TOO LATE!
Never gonna regret spending time w/mah boy, I’d been wanting to see John Wick 3 w/him for quite a while - gotta adhere to HIS schedule.

Typical Wednesday Morning

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Get up [dependent upon the quality of my previous night's sleep, this could be quite a challenge in & of itself]
Let dog out - let bird out to enjoy a little free flight around the house
Feed cats - feed dog - feed rabbit - feed guinea pig - feed lizard (thank God the snakes only need to be fed every 7 - 10 d)
Go down to barn & feed horses; in this season, pitch hay (extra 10 min)
Tether Z's puppy who tends to wander off in boredom during the day when we're not home.
Come back to house; wake up son & herd him into shower. Throw something together for his breakfast (these days it's easy since he's on a Carnation Instant Breakfast kick), make his lunch.
Take my own shower, get dressed. Summon son away from XBox, TV or computer - gather necessary items for the day (cell phone, bills, other paperwork, school supplies). Get bird, dog & son & get in car...
Drive down to barn; put bird in her cage in the shed, let horses out of the barn.
Depart on the school run.

Whew. All that happens before a lot of folks get up in the morning - no wonder I'm tired! (For a non-stressful commute to school, we need to be heading up our driveway no later than 7:10 AM.) Interspersed in there may be restocking my gym bag, or making myself a protein shake on mornings when I have time... Sometimes throwing in a load of laundry before we leave.

Don't talk to me about time management skills!

However, the very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again, & expecting different results... Again, I need to stop treating normal appetite as a character flaw: I need to plan my meals so I'm not repeatedly making the same bad choice - such as this AM, stopping for a breakfast taquito & an iced coffee! All it did was give me indigestion.

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Member Comments About This Blog Post
    Mornings! emoticon
    3247 days ago
    I've learned that mornings are less busy if I do some of my things at night: packing lunch, packing gym bag, etc. I passed pet feeding duties off on my husband. :)
    3252 days ago
  • vFUNFROG79
    WOW, you got a lot going on in the mornings

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