A large part of the problem is, on the iPad I only seem to be able to do "1 at a time" & then I cannot edit any farther.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
A couple of wks ago, on the recommendation of a cyber-friend I bought the Paul McKenna book "I Can Make You Thin"...
I've never been a True Believer in hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming or the like, but I am growing increasingly weary of the suffocating feeling of hopelessness that comes from being stuck on this damned plateau!
Of course, I should have known the 1st challenge would be finding TIME to "relax" & listen to the hypnotic CD; the book is same ol', same ol' reiteration of what we should all know by heart by now:
1. When you are hungry, eat.
2. Eat what you want (not what you think you "should".)
3. Eat consciously and enjoy every mouthful.
4. When you are full, stop.
As my son would say, "Duh!"
So I've had this marvel of modern literature in my possession for almost 3 wks & I've listened to the CD exactly TWICE, both times engaged in an activity strictly warned against - driving! (My son grew mildly panicked when I popped the CD in the car stereo on the way home, to ensure that it worked: "Mom, DON'T close your eyes! Listen to that when we get home!!")
But when we got home, my trusty old portable CD player is missing-in-action, & it seems a shame to throw good money after bad by buying another one...
Hopefully I will be able to overcome my shame & listen to it on home stereo w/hubby around.
I've never been a True Believer in hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming or the like, but I am growing increasingly weary of the suffocating feeling of hopelessness that comes from being stuck on this damned plateau!
Of course, I should have known the 1st challenge would be finding TIME to "relax" & listen to the hypnotic CD; the book is same ol', same ol' reiteration of what we should all know by heart by now:
1. When you are hungry, eat.
2. Eat what you want (not what you think you "should".)
3. Eat consciously and enjoy every mouthful.
4. When you are full, stop.
As my son would say, "Duh!"
So I've had this marvel of modern literature in my possession for almost 3 wks & I've listened to the CD exactly TWICE, both times engaged in an activity strictly warned against - driving! (My son grew mildly panicked when I popped the CD in the car stereo on the way home, to ensure that it worked: "Mom, DON'T close your eyes! Listen to that when we get home!!")
But when we got home, my trusty old portable CD player is missing-in-action, & it seems a shame to throw good money after bad by buying another one...
Hopefully I will be able to overcome my shame & listen to it on home stereo w/hubby around.
Hello Again
Monday, October 25, 2010
I actually stared at the discoloration in the toilet bowl in the dawn's early light for a few seconds before it dawned on me...
Oh yeah, THAT'S what it is! My monthly visitor's here again, after an almost-4-month absence.
That explains the bloat, the recent food cravings (MUST...HAVE...CHOCOLATE!), the terrible grinding anxiety, the mood swings...
Of course it DOESN'T explain the past 6 mos of being perched on this High Plateau, despairing as to whether I'll ever see the edge.
I rode my Big Dummy yesterday (semi-retired due to navicular disease 3 yrs ago) bcz I needed some FUN in my weekend - as opposed to Constant Vigilance required when piloting Mr B.
He huffed & he puffed, & struggled valiantly to keep up w/Miss Amira, effortlessly loping ahead - oh, but what a joy he is to ride!
Eleven hundred pounds of pure muscle (oh well, these days that is overlain by a generous fat pad) - I'm not eloquent enough to describe the awesome sensation of POWER he provides, a complete contrast to the lithe athleticism of Mr B, my scrawny Arab!
I really don't know if the Paul McKenna self-hypnosis CD is helpful or harmful at this stage: I had the guy's mildly irritating voice stuck in my head as we rode:
"Your mind...carries on by itself...Visualize yourself a few weeks from now, slightly thinner..."
And an old photo of Quig & I swims into my memory: he is striding out in his big trot down an East TX dirt road looking like the great engine that he was, in his prime. I'm even in correct position/posture - a lot of my ride photos have the unflattering tendency to catch me unbalanced, eyes closed, slumped posture, that sort of thing. If only I had known how short our competitive career together would be... but of course Quig is far from dead, as long as I can keep him comfortable we should enjoy many more happy years together, just without those career mileage markers, minor recognitions & awards I had hoped for...
Oh well - Mommy still loves ya, Dum-Dum!
(I was not the family member who nicknamed Quig "The Big Dummy": he was originally slated to be my COUSIN'S, but the nickname stuck & now he thinks it's a term of endearment! A teenage girl got SO ANGRY at me, several years ago when she heard me call him "Dummy": "What's his REAL NAME?!?"
"Honey, he thinks 'Dummy' IS his real name!")

Oh yeah, THAT'S what it is! My monthly visitor's here again, after an almost-4-month absence.
That explains the bloat, the recent food cravings (MUST...HAVE...CHOCOLATE!), the terrible grinding anxiety, the mood swings...
Of course it DOESN'T explain the past 6 mos of being perched on this High Plateau, despairing as to whether I'll ever see the edge.
I rode my Big Dummy yesterday (semi-retired due to navicular disease 3 yrs ago) bcz I needed some FUN in my weekend - as opposed to Constant Vigilance required when piloting Mr B.
He huffed & he puffed, & struggled valiantly to keep up w/Miss Amira, effortlessly loping ahead - oh, but what a joy he is to ride!
Eleven hundred pounds of pure muscle (oh well, these days that is overlain by a generous fat pad) - I'm not eloquent enough to describe the awesome sensation of POWER he provides, a complete contrast to the lithe athleticism of Mr B, my scrawny Arab!
I really don't know if the Paul McKenna self-hypnosis CD is helpful or harmful at this stage: I had the guy's mildly irritating voice stuck in my head as we rode:
"Your mind...carries on by itself...Visualize yourself a few weeks from now, slightly thinner..."
And an old photo of Quig & I swims into my memory: he is striding out in his big trot down an East TX dirt road looking like the great engine that he was, in his prime. I'm even in correct position/posture - a lot of my ride photos have the unflattering tendency to catch me unbalanced, eyes closed, slumped posture, that sort of thing. If only I had known how short our competitive career together would be... but of course Quig is far from dead, as long as I can keep him comfortable we should enjoy many more happy years together, just without those career mileage markers, minor recognitions & awards I had hoped for...
Oh well - Mommy still loves ya, Dum-Dum!
(I was not the family member who nicknamed Quig "The Big Dummy": he was originally slated to be my COUSIN'S, but the nickname stuck & now he thinks it's a term of endearment! A teenage girl got SO ANGRY at me, several years ago when she heard me call him "Dummy": "What's his REAL NAME?!?"
"Honey, he thinks 'Dummy' IS his real name!")

Breakfast FAIL
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I was so excited, trying the overnight-simmer n' soak method to prepare the steel cut oatmeal my boy talked me into buying...
(When I read the package, it described boiling for 30 min - on MY busy mornings? I don't think so! but there was a shortcut: boil water, simmer for 1 min, then refrigerate overnight & reheat in the AM...)
I was understandably a little apprehensive when I took the pan out this morning, but it worked BEAUTIFULLY! No sticking, no clumping, reheated to a nice texture as if I'd been stirring it over the stove all morning...
The downside is that I was RAVENOUS by 10 AM - obviously I am going to have to choose breakfast foods w/a lil' more sticking power!
[I just ate 3 oz of mixed nuts - WAY too salty! - but I had to do something since it's another half-hour till lunchtime here...]
(When I read the package, it described boiling for 30 min - on MY busy mornings? I don't think so! but there was a shortcut: boil water, simmer for 1 min, then refrigerate overnight & reheat in the AM...)
I was understandably a little apprehensive when I took the pan out this morning, but it worked BEAUTIFULLY! No sticking, no clumping, reheated to a nice texture as if I'd been stirring it over the stove all morning...
The downside is that I was RAVENOUS by 10 AM - obviously I am going to have to choose breakfast foods w/a lil' more sticking power!
[I just ate 3 oz of mixed nuts - WAY too salty! - but I had to do something since it's another half-hour till lunchtime here...]
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Well I've done it now! Got myself, my boy, & my dog all registered for the 5K Turkey Trot, to the tune of $66...
Yesterday was a difficult "day of rest" - my R heel has been tender so I decided to take the day off. Felt a little bit of guilt; it all ties in w/some of my recent readings:
"You MUST exercise if you want to lose weight they will scream with a disturbing amount of passion. But let me just say that their passion is borne not from any real scientific proof that exercise helps people lose weight, but from a sense of moral superiority that some thin people have when it comes to fat people. You see, if you are obese, then you must be lazy, and with that awful moral judgement held firmly against us, the skinnies march forth proclaiming we must be cured of our laziness if ever we are to become thin, which means we will once again be considered to be people of good moral character (no matter how much rubbish a thin person eats, or how little they exercise, they clearly are better people than fat people it seems). The medical profession is also culpable in their character assassination of obese people. The message is loud and clear – “Get off your fat lazy butt and you’ll lose weight”
This from:
Yet in my own case, exercise remains my anti-depressant of choice (you see here an aging jock w/dreams of glory still floating through her head) - so I'd better GET AFTER IT. My monthly visitor is slowly departing, so I can no longer use the excuse that my uterus feels like it's wringing itself out like a bloody dishrag.
Yesterday was a difficult "day of rest" - my R heel has been tender so I decided to take the day off. Felt a little bit of guilt; it all ties in w/some of my recent readings:
"You MUST exercise if you want to lose weight they will scream with a disturbing amount of passion. But let me just say that their passion is borne not from any real scientific proof that exercise helps people lose weight, but from a sense of moral superiority that some thin people have when it comes to fat people. You see, if you are obese, then you must be lazy, and with that awful moral judgement held firmly against us, the skinnies march forth proclaiming we must be cured of our laziness if ever we are to become thin, which means we will once again be considered to be people of good moral character (no matter how much rubbish a thin person eats, or how little they exercise, they clearly are better people than fat people it seems). The medical profession is also culpable in their character assassination of obese people. The message is loud and clear – “Get off your fat lazy butt and you’ll lose weight”
This from:
Yet in my own case, exercise remains my anti-depressant of choice (you see here an aging jock w/dreams of glory still floating through her head) - so I'd better GET AFTER IT. My monthly visitor is slowly departing, so I can no longer use the excuse that my uterus feels like it's wringing itself out like a bloody dishrag.
I think its awesome you signed your "boy" up for a race! Take some pics and share with us ok? Someday......I am gonna run a 5k race.....Someday!
3235 days ago - vCATIATM
Wow - lots to comment on here. CONGRATS on registering you and the pooch for the turkey trot. I find racing keeps me disciplined about working out. Otherwise ... well, I'm an admitted bling 'ho, so whatever gets me to the gym, right? As for exercising and weight loss ... I get your point - and your irritation. I'm so sick of twiggy people who don't do any real activity lecturing me on my sloth and poor habits. My boss is in that class, and I know my weight affects his opinion of me. grrr. I do like exercising, though. It helps my mood, which I think helps me overall.
Hang in there!
3235 days ago - vKT-NICHOLS-13
I too feel guilty when I don't workout.
I sure wish it was this easy: “Get off your fat lazy butt and you’ll lose weight”
Sadly it's not for me.
Yeah for making the commitment to the 5K Turkey Trot!