Sunday, August 18, 2019

Once More With Feeling

A fairly decent night of rest - thanks Bud! My little Bed-Bud always helps me sleep better...
A minor gut spasm which I blame on yesterday’s lapse of Mickey D French fries.
Listening to Hubby’s snores as I slurp mah coffee & get ready to roll out for this non-anniversary Sunday - I’d have rather heard Mom’s nostalgic grief than a recap of How My Grandmother Killed My Grandfather’s Chihuahuas, where did THAT come from?!?
Of course I remember all that drama, Mama - I was 12 yrs old, after all. Very random, guess it was triggered by her dogs’ finicky-ness over their new food?
Watching the video clips of my buddies finishing their Tevis rides - has Scarlet got that in her? Not if you don’t plan out a 50...Wasn’t that a tiny fraction of why you splurged on the Stonewall, other than the covetous “I want it!”

Facing the Music

Monday, October 04, 2010

Again, I'll take any progress whatsoever at this point... But I'm back down to 214.3 this AM, only 0.6 lbs higher than my starting point ALMOST 6 MOS AGO!

Oh well, I know a lot of sh!t has gone down (not that those are good excuses but there they are): shelving my plans for the Big California Ride this summer, anxiety & stress over my son's knee injury (goes hand-in-hand w/conflict w/ex-husband!), and a little bit of marital discord of my own as we come to terms w/the implosion of my BIL's marriage...(6 yrs, two young daughters, what a shame!)

At least I had a wonderful ride yesterday - riding Champ & ponying my colt Moonshine. His first exposure to the "real world" trails at the lake, and he performed like a real trooper: crossing fallen logs, weaving through the woods, going over big scary bridges! He spent a lot of the time w/his precious lil' head right over my R thigh - I remember traveling many miles w/his mama in much the same way. I used to ride Wynk & pony Sahara to train two-for-the-price-of-one. Enjoying the fabulous fall weather all by our lonesomes - even if I couldn't share this w/hubby or son (hubby's opted out of riding; son was at his father's) it was still a Very Good Day.

On Saturday, despite my best intentions (I wanted to do some housework, go to the gym, and RIDE), my rebellious body demanded a Day of Rest. It struck me w/a nagging headache which drove me onto the couch, & finally back to bed for what seemed to be a required NAP.
Guess this last week of poor sleep had finally caught up to me.

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Member Comments About This Blog Post
    One of the most pivotal moments for me in this lifelong journey was the first time I got on a scale and my weight started with a one! It has been 20 years or better that I have been over 200 lbs my highest weight was 242 at one point. So when I was under 200 it was very motivating. I cant wait for you to hit that mark. And you are so close. KEEP FIGHTING !!

    I too struggle with that darn life thing. Vacations, surgeries, FAIR FOOD!! Something happens in my life and throws me off track. I need to learn to maneuver around those obstacles. Its just hard to find a way sometimes :)

    I'm glad you had a great ride on your horse and I'm glad Moonshine was good for you. I miss having a baby to train :(

    I recently had to cancel TWO riding trips. I am so sad. First my daughter and I were going to Mammoth cave and camp with the boys. We were due to leave and packed and ready to go. The morning we were supposed to leave my husband had an appendicitis attack and had to have emergency surgery. Then my husband and I are suppossed to be going to shawnee national forest this friday but for the same reason are not going. I'm just sick about it. I could go by myself but I'm a little "map and direction" challenged. Plus Its not as much fun alone in a national forest.......

    Ok done with the "woe is me"

    When all else fails....

    3239 days ago
  • vFUNFROG79
    I hear ya on lack of sleep! I"m struggling with my weight as well, it's either nothing or a gain! Boooo! Hang in there, we will pull through! emoticon
    3239 days ago

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Countdown to Tevis

An endless barrage of posts & photos assault my consciousness on social media (FB most especially) as we count down these last few days before the Tevis Cup ride...
I suppose I would be best served by turning away, but I guess “it hurts so good” - after all, my original reason for joining SP was to peel off a few lbs to give myself the best shot at a successful return attempt at Tevis... That was 9 yrs ago.

1 lb? I'll take it...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

At least it's a small start, getting back on the path again.
But it's really sad to read of someone "beating back temptation" by rejecting a cookie: instead of admiration, I feel pity...
I realized yesterday that I would do better if I could plan my short sessions of lunchtime R & R (pack a salad, for instance), instead of scanning the local fast-food joints for something outside the nutritional wasteland that constitutes the SAD (Standard American Diet).
I need to quit treating normal appetite as a character flaw! Hell, I'm GOING to get hungry & I'm GOING to have to eat something - I just need to provide myself w/healthier choices...
Obviously the alternate-day partial fast is NOT going to work w/me, since I have to maintain strength, good attitude, & energy throughout my hectic workday.
So for now I'd better get back into it!

Member Comments About This Blog Post
    I need to start taking my lunch as well. Or at least "planning" ahead what Im going to eat. So heres to us making Healthier Choices !!  emoticon emoticon
    3236 days ago
    Yeah, fasting is not really a healthy option. Good for you for getting healthier choices!
    3239 days ago
  • vFUNFROG79
    You can do this! emoticon