Back to my normal routine, in other words.
The Perfect Storm of food poisoning seems to have passed - wouldn’t Ginger have laughed at those of us who Chose Badly (I’m blaming the coleslaw, but it also could’ve been the potato salad). I don’t see any complaints from anyone on the Book of Faces, but is that really something you’d mention? I know **I** wouldn’t, but some people undoubtedly would!
What Day is This Again?
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I was thrilled to see a new entry from my homegirl Mamadoc, even as I echo her sentiments that I wouldn't recognize "rock bottom" if it bit me in the butt...
All last week, as I was supposed to be relaxing/enjoying my annual NM desert vacation, I tormented myself as I contemplated all that I've FAILED to accomplish, & all I've left behind over the past 10 yrs: [just a few cherry-picked examples]
A.) In 10 yrs of competition at this ride, not ONCE have I managed to ride the entire ride: the 1st year, it was only 3 d - I rode 2. Then it was expanded to 5 d in '02 & '03; again, the best I managed was 4 d. From '04 - present, it has been a 6-d ride [two 3-d segments separated by a Wed Day of Rest]; I've managed to complete a couple of the 3-d "pioneer" rides [Sahara earned me a jacket; Midge a sweatshirt], but have never managed to Do It All...
B.) & of course, since the ride has traditionally been held in July [one year it was in June, but wouldn't ya know it, that year my ex elected to start the damnable summer visitation EARLY], not ONCE in all these years have I been able to show my son the beauty & awesomeness of the high desert. [Watching "Young Guns" w/him, which was filmed in Lincoln County, just don't quite cut it!]
C.) My darling Wynk is deceased; Sahara is retired, Quigley is crippled - while I still struggle to fix Baraq's assorted "issues" [several of which stem directly from the fact that he's carrying yep, about 40 more lbs of freight than he should have to! I can make all the jokes I want about him just not growin' big enuff, but photographic evidence doesn't lie!]
Last week when I was taking a Porta-Potty break, I grabbed the big half-moon of my pannus between my hands & wondered how much less poor Baraq-baby would trip & stumble if I could just amputate those extra 20 lbs. If only it were that easy.
All last week, as I was supposed to be relaxing/enjoying my annual NM desert vacation, I tormented myself as I contemplated all that I've FAILED to accomplish, & all I've left behind over the past 10 yrs: [just a few cherry-picked examples]
A.) In 10 yrs of competition at this ride, not ONCE have I managed to ride the entire ride: the 1st year, it was only 3 d - I rode 2. Then it was expanded to 5 d in '02 & '03; again, the best I managed was 4 d. From '04 - present, it has been a 6-d ride [two 3-d segments separated by a Wed Day of Rest]; I've managed to complete a couple of the 3-d "pioneer" rides [Sahara earned me a jacket; Midge a sweatshirt], but have never managed to Do It All...
B.) & of course, since the ride has traditionally been held in July [one year it was in June, but wouldn't ya know it, that year my ex elected to start the damnable summer visitation EARLY], not ONCE in all these years have I been able to show my son the beauty & awesomeness of the high desert. [Watching "Young Guns" w/him, which was filmed in Lincoln County, just don't quite cut it!]
C.) My darling Wynk is deceased; Sahara is retired, Quigley is crippled - while I still struggle to fix Baraq's assorted "issues" [several of which stem directly from the fact that he's carrying yep, about 40 more lbs of freight than he should have to! I can make all the jokes I want about him just not growin' big enuff, but photographic evidence doesn't lie!]
Last week when I was taking a Porta-Potty break, I grabbed the big half-moon of my pannus between my hands & wondered how much less poor Baraq-baby would trip & stumble if I could just amputate those extra 20 lbs. If only it were that easy.
Two More Days...
Saturday, July 24, 2010
...until I can feel as though my life is back on track => my son will be home from another enforced period-of-isolation, summer visitation.
Oh, I've read all the helpful hints about making the most of this "Me Time" - & I always start out w/the best of intentions to get +++ accomplished - but so far that has never worked out well for me.
It's no good when I hear his desperate whispers [there would be horrific consequences to his dad overhearing]: "Mom, I can't WAIT to come home! How many more days is it?"
[when he was younger, he counted in "sleeps": "How many sleeps do I have to stay at Daddy's?"]
There have been no efforts on my part to "alienate" my son from his father - no guilt trips, no trash-talking - the man has done it all completely on his own! Just like this summer's betrayal: after an initial show of support for Z's newfound enthusiasm for tae kwon do [he started in March, has worked tremendously hard & progressed rapidly from white to yellow to orange belt], as soon as this summer's visitation commenced, Ex refused to take him to any of his lessons.
I suppose he thinks he's hurting me [since it's a prepaid monthly deal], but of course all he's doing is more irrevocable damage to his relationship w/his own son.
& that's just one example... I have to accomplish a few minor things before Z DOES get home tomorrow, or else I could type all day.
Oh, I've read all the helpful hints about making the most of this "Me Time" - & I always start out w/the best of intentions to get +++ accomplished - but so far that has never worked out well for me.
It's no good when I hear his desperate whispers [there would be horrific consequences to his dad overhearing]: "Mom, I can't WAIT to come home! How many more days is it?"
[when he was younger, he counted in "sleeps": "How many sleeps do I have to stay at Daddy's?"]
There have been no efforts on my part to "alienate" my son from his father - no guilt trips, no trash-talking - the man has done it all completely on his own! Just like this summer's betrayal: after an initial show of support for Z's newfound enthusiasm for tae kwon do [he started in March, has worked tremendously hard & progressed rapidly from white to yellow to orange belt], as soon as this summer's visitation commenced, Ex refused to take him to any of his lessons.
I suppose he thinks he's hurting me [since it's a prepaid monthly deal], but of course all he's doing is more irrevocable damage to his relationship w/his own son.
& that's just one example... I have to accomplish a few minor things before Z DOES get home tomorrow, or else I could type all day.