Saturday, February 16, 2019


I don’t know why I’m watching this tripe (Alien: Resurrection) - not much else to do on this, our final night together in not-so-sunny, uncomfortably cold California...
I’ve laid out another impressive piece o’change on a bigger, more ambitious version of Zach & Joe’s Big Adventure, and all for what??? Can’t really say, this dull headache makes me wanna just crawl under the covers...
Airfare = $400
Luxury SUV rental = $800
Air BnB weekly lease = $1600
Snuggling with mah boy = PRICELESS


Friday, July 02, 2010

Earlier this week I decided in view of the overwhelming tidal wave of evidence flowing against us, to opt out of this year's Tevis ride. Once I went through the hard part - which is TELLING EVERYONE, first & foremost my ride partner Lucy! - for the most part I am relieved.
If I've learned nothing else in recent years, it's that I should trust my instincts.
I didn't hit any of my marks this spring: starting with the setbacks in training caused by nasty winter weather, I repeatedly failed to achieve minor goal after minor goal, which all adds up to an incomplete foundation for a tough ride like Tevis.
1.) Pulled myself @ 78 mi of my only chance to do a "Texas 100" in April.
2.) Failed to do my 2 days of riding over Memorial Day weekend (finished the 50 on Day 1, but was not granted completion - i.e. NOT "Fit To Continue")
3.) Too much goin' on to justify hauling off over Father's Day weekend to do a multiday in NM - somehow I still haven't found a way to be in more than one place simultaneously...

These things compounded by Lucy's own issues just made it all the easier. [Her backup horse developed ulcers; she didn't enjoy the Educational Ride experience - flying out to ride a friend's horse over Father's Day weekend...]

Anyway. What's done is done; & in many ways I am encouraged - I would have hated to miss my regular routine of riding at Ft Stanton! Beginning again to lay the foundation for NEXT year's Tevis...

Now if only I could GET OFF MY OWN BACK! Bcz certainly snacking on junk food, staying up too late, & getting inadequate rest is counterproductive. Ah well, we begin again. 


Monday, July 19, 2010

With a heavy sigh, I prepare to re-enter Real Life: driving back from Ft Stanton yesterday; took an extra day off today for R & R...
Do I enter this as one more Epic Fail? Successfully completed 4 out of 6 days on those tough desert trails... After a thorough, bone-chillin' soaking in heavy rains on Day 1 [last Sun], I decided not to ride Mon bcz of treacherous trail conditions (mud). [Bundled up for an hour Sun afternoon before I felt warm again!]
Of course the sun came out Mon AM; trails dried out beautifully & were in good shape by midday. Go figure.
Good ride Tuesday, the Day of Rest on Wed, rode again w/brief afternoon downpours on Thurs & Friday... B-boy's back had gotten sore - I switched saddle & saddle pad but didn't feel right putting him through another tough ride on Saturday. The final straw was a little heat & swelling in his LF tendon sheath. I can't afford an injury that might place Mr B on Injured Reserve for several months!
Of course I KNEW I wouldn't lose any weight; eating w/no regard for carbs/calories/or anything else on my VACATION, so today I Begin Again - I certainly don't want to wipe out my slim margin of progress by the time I go back for my endocrinologist's appt next month!