(Alternative title: “A New Hope” - like it or not, Star Wars has saturated every inch of our pop culture, even this die-hard Trekkie ain’t immune!)
I had confused my dear friend Bobbie by referring to Tony as my “padawan” (Jedi-in-training), but I ‘splained it all to her yesterday when I brought Tony along to our mini-trail ride. He was initially apprehensive when I told him we were meeting my friends because he "didn’t want to ride fast", but he relaxed when I told him not to worry, it’s just a slow trail ride. But it was the best possible re-introduction to work for TwoFace: a 2 hr amble, no significant obstacles, no crowds, zero excitement! I wasn’t satisfied with any of the headstalls I’d rigged up for him, so I wound up just clipping reins to his halter - he did great. I’ll put him in a sidepull for our next ride… “If it’s good enough for Quigley, Sahara, Baraq, and Moonie” - your control as a rider does not come merely from pulling on the mouth & head; it also flows from your seat & legs. “Let the Force flow through you” - I don’t feel so bad, quoting Sir Alec Guinness!
I had high hopes of riding again today, but the cold front is coming. Better not press my luck; got a little more storm prep to do: I bought small space heaters to put under the sinks at the clinic; have to stock up on a little bit of feed. Gotta take my mom’s little bit of laundry back to rehab and see if I can lift her spirits - yesterday she was pretty withdrawn & depressed. Hard for me to tell how much of this is physical and how much is psychological? The future is unclear.
I need a short-term goal to fixate on - for now it will be Twoie‘s reconditioning. He reminds me so much of dear Quigley, without all of the knotheadedness, thankfully! And of course Mr Silas was an angel for Tony. Too many horses, too little time!!!
Twoie led off most of the way